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My Response to the Black Community: Tone Down The Hateful Language Aimed at Black Greeks | Urban Intellectuals

My Response to the Black Community: Tone Down The Hateful Language Aimed at Black Greeks

by | Dec 18, 2014 | Culture | 0 comments

I was listening to a discussion show about Black Greeks without one person in an organization on it. It was interesting to say the least. But as misguided I think BGLOs are at times, it is clear the general perception about them is far worse than one could imagine…..and way off base.

For people that know me, this is uncharacteristic because I rarely come to the rescue of the so called “Black Greek” community because there is so much I disagree with…speaking as an awaken, black man. Awaken to the sense that I realize his story was put together to keep my eyes closed and history has been twisted to make one forget he was everything and for another to assume he is everything.


However, I find myself in this precurious situation and needed to defend the so-called black greek community. (Yes, I hate that name as we shouldn’t be honoring their culture because I know it was stolen from us in the first place….and quiet as kept, many in these organizations are aware as well. They all are not sheep.) But here are a few of the thoughts I had as I listened in.

1. Everyone in a Fraternity / Sorority don’t think alike.

This is not a monolithic group regardless of how much you insist.

2. 3/4 of the members wouldn’t know what the Boule is, let alone claim allegiance to it.

And I get working for something that you don’t quite understand, but geesh y’all are stretching tough.

3. You have to understand the Frats/Sorors are national organizations that are formed to do “specific things”.

I put that in quotes because that is what they are drafted to do, thus no amount of huffing and puffing by members or outsiders will change anything over night. There is a structured process and procedures that must be followed with organizations.

4. What the members of these organizations do is not encapsulated in the movements of these national organizations.

Meaning, the totality of their efforts are not limited to what you see the national body doing.

5. Many of the members of these organizations lead other organizations and institutions that might get to the root of our issues a bit more directly than you might see from the national organizations.

Many of the members and these Frats/Sorors are leaders and warriors for the cause under their individual organizations and efforts.

6. Networking is a huge benefit to being in a Fraternity or Sorority.

This is one of the main reasons people join because believe it or not, the business world and life really is about who you know and not just what you know. So you say this group thinks they are know it alls, but really they know they are not….but they realize being well connected is just as important as being well educated.

7. Calling someone in a Fraternity or Sorority a sellout and lumping them all together is just ridiculous and lacks intellectual work.

Some get involved then are awakened, some sleep forever, but few enter in knowing their entire history and are woken to it by other members. To not give a person grace in their life to grow at their schedule is mighty bold of you….because i’m positive there was a time when you didn’t know as much as you know now.

Allow others to develop. Under your logic, you would have booted and dismissed Malcolm X simple because he did some petty crime and stupid shit in his youth. WELL?

8. We need everyone if we are going to survive.

This rift between “Greeks” and non-greeks in the black community is ridiculous. It is just another divide along the lines of color or sexuality. Let’s focus on getting FREE!

9. Ok, maybe they, we shouldn’t embrace the term Greek or any of that, but I can tell you people are proud of their organizations.

..and if you do your homework on what the members of these organizations have done in the black community, for the black community and died for them, then maybe you would have a little respect for it as well.

Educate the members of these organizations to understand embracing that culture or the name really is dangerous and we need to take these lessons, networks and organization and flip it into something powerful and prideful in our community so when new members are made they are strengthened in our history and not elevating that of the Greeks.

See, you see how easy that is. You don’t got to jump up and down on a man’s home to get his attention. Just educate him and he will be more palatable to deal with and willing to take up arms in your defense.

Our community needs all of us, not just a handful that wants to pick and choose whom to fight with today.

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