Motivational Rap Artist Marcus Parker: More Than A Decade of Positive Black Images Across America

by | Jan 27, 2017 | Opinion | 0 comments

Marcus Parker, a motivational rap artist since the 1990s, is now the greatest positive and uplifting icon in the EDUTAINMENT rap game.

Urban Intellectuals was initially created to speak to the voices of the urbane hip-hop community, so now is time to talk about why negative bastardized hip-hop died and the rapsters are having to reconstruct their game and go Black First in order to stay afloat nowadays.

Here is the one young man of a few who didn’t compromise his instilled family values -taught to him as a child- for a temporal trip into the worldwide spotlight. Even though there were some personal events that led to a divorce from his first marriage and some legal trouble for him, he was able to correct his trajectory and get his life back on track, mainly because he had already decided on his core belief system when he was very young. He preferred keeping his people instilled with pride and love over playing a white man’s game that was doomed from the very beginning.

Happy National Spouse Day! Marcus and Shauanna Parker #nationalspouseday #love #marriage #truth

A photo posted by Marcus "M-Positive" Parker (@motivationalrap) on

Now that the system inside is moving forward to get away from white supremacy in Black rap and hip hop music, Marcus Parker -a best-selling author “The Product,” and longstanding motivational rap artist- is already on his A-game with a record of never having sought fame in exchange for a dangerous and deadly lie about Black people, Black couples, and/or Black families — whether they lived in the “‘hood” or not.

Marcus did not grow up as a “‘hood rat,” as some would call it, but he has made some mistakes in life and has also spent an entire rap music career reaching out to those who have been through worse in life than he has experienced himself, because he gets it.

He got it a long time ago.

Many of our people are saying that the best way for Black people to oppose Donald Trump is to pull together and unite as one.

There is only one way to make that happen, and that is to take a corporate stand against anything and everything that white people have done and promoted amongst our people since the very beginning of THEIR history in European nations. Some of us opposed President Obama like or even worse than a white Klansman; now is time to prove that so-called “blackness” by doubling down on the opposition to Donald Trump. Either that, or prove that everything some of us “say” that we stood for when President Obama was in office was and is a fictitious lie.

We tend to want to forget that we were a People long before they (them supra-light Black folks) came along, so this inordinate violence and intra-racial hatred is a direct result of nothing BUT absorbed white supremacy.

Too many of us have turned ourselves over to it in exchange for a thin dime that doesn’t belong to in our communities.

It is well-known by now that most of these “gangsta” rap artists are nothing more than shills to make white people richer. They are living on borrowed money and borrowed time, putting up a blinged out front-facing facade that is nothing but a superficial show to attract black folks who don’t know that not even the “bling” belongs to them.

The majority of these “crap rappers” (now known as “crappers“) end up in the poorhouse of high poverty IF they even live long enough to lose it all. There is a long-standing insider joke that goes along with it: “Where do old rappers go when they retire?” Answer: “They don’t go anywhere, because they don’t live long enough to get old.”

Not funny to hear the absolute truth, is it?


Time to get on your A-game, Black America – youth and all.

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