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Mayor Fouts Calls Black People N*ggers and Chimps While Ridiculing Women | Urban Intellectuals

Mayor Fouts Calls Black People N*ggers and Chimps While Ridiculing Women

by | Jan 18, 2017 | Politics News | 0 comments

Mayor Jim Fouts of Warren, Michigan is heard on tape using racial and sexist slurs.

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Quite honestly when people in high positions are caught on tape showing their true colors, they simply lie their ways out of it and their supporters make excuses for them.

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In recordings obtained by Motor City Muckraker, Fouts allegedly uses the infamous N-word and refers to older women as a “dried-up c*nts.”

“Blacks do look like chimpanzees,” the voice says in one recording. “I was watching this black woman with her daughter and they looked like two chimps,” said by the voice believed to be Fouts.

“Think I want to date a f*cking 60-year-old hag?” Fouts asks. “F*ck that sh*t. I’m not interested in any old ugly hag. I think after a certain age they are dried up, washed up burned out.

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Fouts insists the recording is fake, he says it’s not him. But we know that whether it’s him or not there will be no repercussions. Our soon to be President was recorded bragging about sexually assaulting women, he defrauded people when he created a fake university and still in just a few days he will be President. That is the perfect example of white privilege.

If you know anyone from Warren, Michigan please pass it on. We have to stop electing hateful people to govern our states.

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