Majority White Texas Town Now Has Toxic Sludge Water Where FBI Had Already Arrested Every City Official!

by | Feb 22, 2016 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

Flint Michigan and it’s officials inaction has been big news and has started to highlight neglect and failing infrastructure the country over.

Recently social media became the only voice for the world to find out about another town that has black toxic liquid pouring from it’s pipes after the FBI had previously arrested pretty much all of the city officials and the town was left without any staff!!

Last week residents of Crystal City, Texas, turned on their faucets and black liquid poured out. This was said to be due to a water tank being flushed that had not been cleaned for decades!

Residents only advice was to boil the oily liquid! This advice was given by the one remaining city staffer after all the city officials were earlier arrested by the FBI for perpetrating a massive bribery ring and illegal gambling!

These officials have refused to resign so they can’t even be replaced at this stage.

Think Progress quoted U.S. Attorney Richard Durbin who said “The indictment alleges that these public officials and this businessman solicited and accepted bribes in exchange for official action, such as voting to award city contracts to, waive certain tax payments by, and conduct certain inspections to give unfair advantage to those paying bribes,”

So, in short it seems the town’s management is corrupt as hell.

Now, this town probably has a population of less than 8000 (estimated 7,513 in 2014) and in the 2000 census is was nearly 68% white.

This, of course, is something to watch, to see the State response, the media response and see how it plays out related to events in Flint and other cities where similar things are being exposed right now.

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