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Why Black Folk are “Liquid Money” – Black Gold…Texas Tea | Urban Intellectuals

Why Black Folk are “Liquid Money” – Black Gold…Texas Tea

by | Apr 13, 2014 | Opinion | 0 comments


The reason the world calls Black people, especially Black Americans, “liquid money” is because we are, corporately and indeed, cash-rich and asset-poor.

Now, the fact is that the whole world would literally starve to death if it weren’t for Africa and its resources, but somebody forgot to tell them they were supposed to be PAID for the labor and materials.

Slavery was a fact, and there was nothing delightful about it, Paula Deen – or the rest of you out there trying to paint a pretty portrait of “happier times” from the late 1400s through the mid-1800s. Happier for who?

It works like this: Take the ‘stuff’ that doesn’t belong to you by force, force slaves who trusted you to work for its yield and harvest; then make sure they only get enough off it to come back tomorrow and do it again .. for the rest of their miserable godforsaken lives.

I can’t tell anyone to “read a Bible,” but if you really want the skinny on why and how it happened—read a Bible. And if you do get around to reading one, that’s just part of the story.  It didn’t end there.

The Past

The Past

The wretched theft of resources and human capital continues to this day, and according to Powernomics‘ own Dr. Claude Anderson, it’s like “watching Black people’s money bounce into the Black community once and then watching it bounce right back out the next day.”

One white attorney that I worked for many years ago put it like this “Obama can spread the wealth all he wants, we’ll have it all back in two years or less.”

An Asian man was heard confirming the words of Dr. Anderson that “The biggest problem Black people have is trying to be multi-cultural in a world where everyone else is taking care of themselves.”

This kind of thing is evidenced by the many “buy-here- pay-here,” “rent-a-center,” and “title-pawn/check cashier” offerings in the lowest income Black communities across America. This isn’t the only proof, but this is the crux, the helm, of it.

These ‘milk-em-and-run’ entities exist only because the world has learned that they can “plant a root” business in a Black neighborhood, nearly tax and equity-free, in order to get a multi-million dollar company up and running.

They then take that bigger company, move it into a neighborhood that we can’t afford to live in and put bogus credit stipulations on it that result in a “Limbo-like Carrot & Stick” effect. Can’t get under it, can’t get over it, can’t get through it, and it was put there for that very reason, to dangle long enough to keep us moving. Those of us who refuse to play this game are reduced to criminal insanity, starved to death, or imprisoned and forced to work for free. Again.

The math only works when it has a target to focus on and then becomes fluid, or liquid, mobility. The idea behind “legally enriching whites and demoralizing Black people” was a follow-up to slavery. It was their “answer” to being forced by law to pay us for the labor.

Give them some isht-change called minimum wage, then set up a financial world that forces them to bring it back where they got it from. Bring in the businesses of other races, give them all the profit, bankrupt them intentionally, suck out all the resources and equity, and then put them somewhere where Black people can never reach them again (i.e., credit bureau stipulations that rarely apply to others in the same circumstances); and then give the  “nouveau rich owners” no incentive whatsoever to reinvest in that which they took it from. Or shall we say ‘that which we gave to them.’

Why is that? Um…’Black skin issues’ that tell them we don’t deserve to partake of our own wealth? Or our actions that tell us they deserve it more than we do?

Ladies and gentlemen, we (our ancestrals, that is) haven’t been out of slavery that long—only coming up on 150 years. It has not yet been 50 years since Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was taken away from us. I was nearly ten years old when he was assassinated. It simply hasn’t been that long ago for anyone to talk in terms of “the past,” as if it’s not still happening now.


Is Black America, economically speaking, an 18-year old who just barely finished high school who is being pushed into the competition arena on an unequal playing field and unprepared to handle it?; or a 46-year old Mama’s Baby who ‘failed to launch’ and refuses to leave home?

Maybe neither. Let’s move it on up. To the East side.

Affirmative Action, that Lollipop Law, (“stick this in your mouth and go somewhere and shut up”) was put in place to level the playing field of economic justice for Black people, but was mostly applied to white feminists.

The Moses Generation, Dr. King’s generation…our parents, grandparents and even some of our great-grandparents, made a conscious decision to integrate and assimilate, rather than to demand sovereign justice and reparations.

They chose NOT to be fully equitably redeemed, but to roll along with the status quo of white society, and to coin a cliché: That was the “hair of the dog that bit us.”

That little sip of morning-after integration that was intended to cure the hangover of the after-effects of slavery. To put it another way, it was a temporary band-aid used as a cover-all for snakebite instead of demanding the anti-venom.

They call us “Liquid Money,” because we allow it. White people never forced us to integrate with them after all was said and done in the justice of civil economics. You, I, or shall we say “we” cannot choose to ride on the back of the economic bus by choosing to ride on the front of theirs. If we do, then we cannot get mad when the owner/driver of the bus makes all the decisions about the nature of the bus, its design and cargo, and how fast or slow it rolls; and not even if the driver turns left when we want him to turn right.

Now, let’s talk briefly about The Game of Milking Black People and How It’s Played.


The stories we heard…about Black women feeding white babies when they had barely nothing with which to feed their own.

Side Note: It wasn’t Janet Jackson’s nebulaic starburst-covered breast that offended the Super Bowl XXXVIII ‘appalled-and-pretending-to-be-startled’ holier-than-Jesus white folks, no. They are the ones who invented and do sell commercialized porn. It was what Jackson’s breast symbolized: A world that was spawned, fed, nurtured and nourished; enriched, as it were, off a Black woman’s teats. To have to face her as the Mother of the World is to admit that your very life is owed to her — the Woman whom God Himself chose to give the world the gift of life from the very beginning.

CLICK ON THIS VIDEO AND LISTEN TO THE TRUE STORY FOR YOURSELF from Dr. Anderson, because it should have a million more “views” than the less than 2,500 that are there now.

Bottom Line: This world will die without Black people and their precious belongings.

White America doesn’t want us thoroughly dead. Yet.

If we were all dead now, they’d have to do their own work and that’s one thing they have never wanted to do is actually work. Like REAL work.

However, as long as we serve the white-oriented idea of being here for no other reason than to serve and feed, then it’s pate and fois gras-munching and sherry-swilling for them and peanut butter and jelly, Kool-Aid back for us. All day, every day.

Marcus Garvey told us this would happen, and so did Malcolm X. Louis Farrakhan — like him, love him, hate him — is still saying it now. Dr. Claude Anderson is still talking about it to this very day, has been for years.

The Future

The Future

Joshua Generation, yes, I’m talking to YOU in the 40-60 age group who are likely grandparents yourself by now … Dr. King didn’t get here with us, as he predicted he ‘might’ not, but it’s past time and long overdue that we recognize the previously uncompensated value that our elders did not, and redeem and reclaim what was given to us from the very beginning of time.

The world has rode our backs long enough.

Time to bring it on home.


What “food” was Jed Clampett shooting at, really? Pay close attention to the musical ‘slur’ on the word “food”:

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