10 Key Takeaway Points re: the Donaldesque Inauguration that is Slated to Happen in Less than 48 Hours

by | Jan 18, 2017 | Opinion | 0 comments

January 20, 2017, a day that will live in infamy and out-shocks even Pearl Harbor and 9/11 on the political Richter Scale in America.

Shame that Republican operatives who specialize in #FakeNews are using this dark moment in American history in January of 2017 to pretend that there are “liberals” running all over the place who hate “Christian American” values who are raising a ruckus about this unelected president-elect who works for the Russians and not for America. Those so-called liberals don’t exist, but whatever they need to tell themselves to feel better about what they’ve done is just fine.

When it’s all over, there are only a few hard lessons Americans should have learned and are about to learn about forcing a President-elect on The People when its more than obvious that the majority of the people who voted in November of 2016 said NO, by more than 3 million votes they said NO.

1) The Republican Party is full of excuses for Donald Trump no matter what he does or says … excuses that would have been enough to send President Barack Obama packing if he had so much as took a side-swipe at things Trump said openly and bluntly. #Racism

2) The Republican Party is full of excuses for Donald Trump no matter what he does or says … excuses that would have been enough to send Gloria Steinem packing if she had so much as took a side-swipe at things Trump said openly and bluntly. #Sexism

3) The Republican Party is full of excuses for Donald Trump no matter what he does or says … excuses that would have been enough to send Raul Castro packing if he had so much as took a side-swipe at things Trump said openly and bluntly. Things that would have made Adolf Hitler blush in shame. #Bigotry

4) Always remember that when you hear the word “liberal,” it is mostly being toted about as something bad by Republican operatives. They can’t define the word ‘liberal’, let alone tell you what one is, or what a liberal does or would or would not do. It’s just a race-mongering word they use to incite each other to riot, but the “liberals” they speak of only exist in their own minds. Typically the word ‘liberal’ for them is code for ‘nigger’ and ‘nigger lovers.’ It’s ALWAYS about race with them, never anything else. #ItsTheDrugs

5) It has never failed that when Black people have told the status quo in America that they are headed in the wrong direction, a direction that is only going to damage the nation’s integrity in the long run, that those Black people are told that they are automatically “unpatriotic” whenever the white man’s errors are not law. Though too many Black people move to protect America, evidence has shown us over the decades that nearly everything Black people have ever said about this nation’s wrongs turned out to be The Absolute Truth.

America created more terrorism by stirring up an unneeded war to stop it, and the more they fear-monger, the worse things get. America’s ill-will against Black people and people of color has backfired and boomeranged and its only going to get circumstantially worse for them as time goes on. It always backfires on them and this is about to be the straw that broke the Cheeto’s back.

They go the opposite direction of whatever we say, fail and get sat on their asses; then they cover their sins and wrongs with more baseless excuses about why it happened that way when they were warned not to do it in the first place. Then we ALL end up in a bind with their self-made political crud after they’ve schat upon everything and everyone and left their messes for us to clean up. #StrengtheningYourDemise #ObamaTheMaintenanceMan #selfdestruction

6) The religious right and their conservative friends from all major political parties on the left, middle, and right can no longer call the Black community paranoid about the racism. President Obama’s election brought out the cockroach instinct in them and ran them scurrying all over the streets of America for the whole world to see. #ReparationsAreExpedient

7) The fact that no major A-List celebrity will perform at this inauguration in less than 48 hours forces Donald’s people to go digging so far back into the past just to find parade performers, that they are literally as close as they can get to calling dead celebs out of the graves and crematories. It is laden down with a lot of old one-hit-wonders and backdoor performers whose talent has waxed and waned over the years and that says all it needs to about his stance. It’s not a “hollywood stance,” it’s celebrities with a higher profile representation taking a stand for what the vast majority of Americans are actually saying. #HomeFriedInauguration

8) If Donald Trump has an approval rating of more than 10-(ten)percent, someone’s ‘fudging the numbers’ just like they fudged that election. #TheReturnofWBush

9) Anyone who thinks “Obamacare” is the Republican’s biggest problem is sadly mistaken. It is the easily-defined and highly singularly-directed ingratitude of those who benefited from it the most. They are ungrateful, not because it didn’t help them, but because it was pushed through by a Black man. #OnlyWhiteLivesEverMattered

10) The only way for Donald to turn this around is to do what no other President has done and demand a new Constitutional Convention that will completely overhaul that entire 200-year old mess that is the rearing of the very hatred and lies that forced him into office as the most unpopular president-elect since … since … long before Warren Harding. #OutdatedConstitution

Never Forget

Never Forget

The Russians can force a Trump presidency upon us because it’s allowed by white racist insiders who are controlling the purse strings and dissent to the fact that a Black man was legitimately elected President of the United States for the previous eight (8) years; but what they cannot do is control the populist fallout that is coming this year as a direct result of their own actions — something for which they will never be able to #BlameObama.


And Point 11, just for good measure, NO … the “world” is not in love with Donald as they are with President Obama, and always will be in love with the Forever President Obama. They mostly think Americans are immature delinquent nutcases who need to be supervised by adults from other countries when they travel abroad.

You never miss your water until the well runs dry.


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