Does John McCain Believe Obama was a Better World Leader than Trump?

by | Jun 13, 2017 | Politics News | 0 comments

To say Donald Trump is rubbing John McCain the wrong way is an understatement.

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Republicans are known for publicly sticking together, they typically don’t speak publicly about any differences they may have. McCain broke the code (not that this is his first time) when he admitted that President Obama was a leader than Trump.

“What do you think the message is? The message is that America doesn’t want to lead,” a visibly upset McCain said.

A reporter from the Guardian asked McCain is our country was stronger on an international scale under the leadership of former President Obama.

“As far as American leadership is concerned, yes,” McCain said.

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Trump is brushing shoulders and making friends with the wrong dictators instead of nurturing our relationship with our allies.

It’s not surprising that his own party is speaking out against him.

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