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Jeff Sessions Dressed In KKK Hood Projected On Department Of Justice With Quote “I thought the KKK was OK until I learned that they smoked pot” | Urban Intellectuals

Jeff Sessions Dressed In KKK Hood Projected On Department Of Justice With Quote “I thought the KKK was OK until I learned that they smoked pot”

by | May 23, 2017 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

In the 1980 Jeff Sessions made a statement somewhere along the lines of “I thought the KKK was OK until I learned that they smoked pot”.

Now, an artist has projected that statement along with SessionsMustGo and FireSessions next to an image of Sessions dresses as a klansman over the front of the Department Of Justices’ building!

The artist and activist responsible for this stunt is Robin Bell, who has previously gained attention for similar activities!

The Huff reported that:

Bell also projected images of politicians including Rex Tillerson, Nikki Haley and Scott Pruit, endowing them with truly haunting black demon eyes. Messages including “#WeNeedToSeeTheMemo” and “Impeach” flashed alongside them.

The artist also flashed a silhouette of a figure behind bars, accompanied by the phrase: “1/3 of black males can’t vote because of the war on drugs.”

See the projection below:


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