Given the biblical history of the Jewish people their treatment of over 7,000 African migrants seeking asylum is quite shocking. Jewish people tracked through deserts for miles searching for the “Promise Land,” fleeing persecution, so why are they turning away and murdering African migrants? Do they not know their own history?
Israeli officials fear that the influx of migrants could undermine the Jewish character of Israel. These migrants are fleeing violence from the militia and government in the place they use call home. They are saying the African migrants are compromising their Democratic and Jewish character. They have said the migrants are attributing to rape, robbery, and violence in their country, the very thing they are trying to escape.
Along with preventing African migrants to enter their country recent reports are saying they are also murdering the migrants that are their seeking asylum. Gerry Simpson is a researcher at Human Rights Watch (HRW), said that, “Egypt has a record of shooting unarmed sub-Saharan African refugees as they approach Israel’s border.”
Discrimination against African migrants in Israel will continue with the approval throughout the country, while the international media remains silent.