Kenneth Walker, late of Columbus GA, killed by a racist cop and taken from his family for no reason whatsoever
We’ve known for a long time now that the village idiot’s only response to the truth is to mock those who tell it.
When they can’t come up with an appropriate and just response, they try taking your own words and knowledge and using a cheap shot of a political move to spit them back at you in a “come again, nigger” format that doesn’t match anything close to the reason why the “I Can’t Breathe” campaign happened.
As Black Americans, we already know “breathing easy” gets you jack in this country.
Kenneth Walker was “breathing easy” and was shot in the back of his head for driving his truck home and complying with a police officer when he shouldn’t have been pulled over and stopped in the first place.
Too many Black men and women who used to “breathed easy” and NEVER broke a law have been killed by their kind, forget about the UNARMED ones who were committing petty small-shit crimes.
Now NONE of us can “breathe easy” ever again. Who will they kill next and then use a bullshit excuse to justify it?
To these types, whistling at a white woman IS a crime, and even that cost young Emmitt Till his 14-year old long life.
These are the same types who are upholding the same racist crapola now.
They mean, by this, that Black people are a joke and if we would only stop ‘committing’ crimes (and too many of the ones they have killed for no reason were NOT committing crimes when they were killed), we wouldn’t have to worry about criminal backlash from the cops. Their criminal behavior is very telling, and the fact that they would try to justify it by this trick-off public relations bullshit is ’nuff said.
Their entire campaign is not only sacrilegious, it REEKS of the rancid odor of racism that causes and upholds and justifies the root of the very problems we’ve been fighting with for centuries.
They’ve told on themselves with this bottom-feeding low-classed low-balling “copy’n’paste” formulaic response, because it means they don’t HAVE an appropriate response to what they’ve done. Apparently, this is their way of telling us, they will CONTINUE to do it — regardless of what we say.
Check your local police and sheriffs departments for any connections to or orders from the South Bend Uniform Company and make sure the police forces in your area do not buy anything else from them with your tax dollars. All police officers wearing these shirts should be fired immediately, whether they are on duty or not.
They cannot mock and ridicule their way out of this one.
Not this time.
…who was not only NOT committing a crime at the time he was murdered, but was completely in compliance with this racist murdering criminal cop — and he never even had so much as a record of a Parking Ticket… .
Let us engage them on the ECONOMIC FRONT, WELL WITHIN THE LAW.
Let us take back our ‘ HOODS
Let us BOYCOTT all Non – Black Owned businesses in our neighborhoods!
This ought to get us the RESPECT that we seek!
Help Keep Boxcar Grocers alive and growing and maybe they will be able to bring one to your neighborhood soon – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shM6q01oqUI