For a person to turn their life from being an ex con to government lawyer, it takes a lot of courage and determination. Noah Kilroy went from a life of hustling and drug dealing to becoming a lawyer.
He was raised in foster homes after being abandoned by his mother, who was a drug addict.
After dropping out of high school at the age of 16, Kilroy entered the street life and became a cocaine peddler.
This was a life he was introduced to by his girlfriend’s mother who was an addict. He was thrown in jail after being found in possession with five pound of cocaine which was worth about $250,000 street value.
While being in prison, Kilroy gained a thirst for knowledge, started reading and eventually earned his GED.
He only served 18 months of his 15 years jail term after which he enrolled at the Community College of Rhode Island where he earned a 3.7 grade point average his first year. After completing his first year he transferred to Salve Regina University and obtained his degree at Roger Williams University School of Law.
After passing bar Kilroy works tirelessly as lawyer with the company he completed his internship with. Far too often people made too many excuses. But if an ex con can become a lawyer, you can achieve your goals and dreams too! Mr. Kilroy is a great example of someone who successful defied the odds not because he’s special but he was confident and believed in himself.