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ARE YOU HAPPY WITH TRUMP? Well, The Dems Are To Blame For Screwing Sanders! | Urban Intellectuals

ARE YOU HAPPY WITH TRUMP? Well, The Dems Are To Blame For Screwing Sanders!

by | Feb 13, 2017 | News, Opinion, Politics News | 0 comments

Trump has been performing exactly as expected by many, including myself! Although his actions are not at all surprising they are absolutely infuriating and although people did vote for him and he won the electoral college I still have an opinion where much of the blame lies! That is in the Democrats, the DNC, those who shut down Mr Bernie Sanders, the absolutely only possible man who would have beaten Trump in these elections where people were sick of the Status Quo!

So, if you are done with Trump and you are a Democrat, you only have your own party to blame.

RELATED READ: FEEL THE BERN! Sanders Refuses To Help DNC Raise Money Off His Email List

H.A. Goodman wrote at length about this on the Huffington Post and here is an excerpt from his article:

Bernie’s college plan was about control? Really? It’s amusing how Fahrenthold called Sanders a “big-spending liberal” without ever condemning Clinton’s decision to back free public college. Even long-time Clinton backer Robert Reich wrote articles defending Bernie Sanders from Fahrenthold’s faulty logic.

The key to understanding how Democrats win in 2018 and 2020 is to never forget what happened in 2016. There’s a reason states that voted for Obama twice chose Trump over Hillary, and these reasons have nothing to do with Vladimir Putin. Rather than ignoring the lessons of 2016, Democratic voters should always correlate President Trump with Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

In addition to Eichenwald and Fahrenthold, American media was full of friendly journalists eager to undermine Bernie in favor of Clinton. The list of hit pieces and condescending articles are endless, but let’s focus on The Daily Beast.

The Daily Beast is the most loyal of all the public relations firms associated with Hillary Clinton. To say its writers live in a centrist neoliberal bubble (where Hillary never called black youth superpredators or engaged in racist tactics against Obama in 2008) would be an understatement.

This cult-like mentality surrounding Clinton’s candidacy is exemplified by a Michael Tomasky piece titled It’s All Over but the Shouting: Hillary Clinton Crushed Bernie Sanders:

It’s time for the guy with some of the Democratic vote to gracefully give way to the woman with much more of it.

So forgive me for being a little confused about why these margins give Bernie Sanders such “leverage” in what we presume to be his looming negotiations with Hillary Clinton over the future of the party of which he’s not a member.

Is there precedent for the losing candidate demanding that the winning candidate prove her bona fides to his voters?

I sure can’t think of any.
Hillary didn’t “crush” anyone, the DNC cheated Bernie. Someone should remind Daily Beast writers that Debbie Wasserman Schultz reigned from the DNC for a reason; they were never neutral. We’ve yet to see Hillary Clinton face Sanders in a neutral Democratic Primary, without debate questions being leaked to Clinton. The woman with “more of the Democratic vote” eventually spent $1.2 billion dollars losing the Electoral College to a man who was caught on tape making disgusting remarks about women. It must be tough being part of the Democratic public relations machine, knowing that every Clinton scandal resulted in a Trump presidency. Combine that with the knowledge that Bernie Sanders was cheated for a candidate who lost to Trump and we have the autopsy of an election buried with regret.

The fact that Clinton didn’t address the concerns of Bernie voters is one of the many reasons Democrats lost. In addition, Bernie Sanders would have defeated Trump because Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania haven’t voted for a GOP candidate since the 1980’s. With a united Democratic Party around a populist candidate like Bernie Sanders (if that’s possible with a Democratic Party influenced by neocons and corporate lobbyists), these states would have again voted Democrat.

Have Democrats learned? Hardly. Now Chelsea Clinton is poised to take control of the Democratic Party, as I explain here. With the Clinton dynasty one of the causes of Trump’s White House, it’s bizarre to see Democrats rally around Chelsea Clinton.

Ignoring the past means repeating the same mistakes in the future.

If Democrats elect a centrist in 2020, America will get eight years of Trump. Remember during the media frenzy of the next four years all the reasons Hillary Clinton lost to Trump. Before attacking Trump, Democrats attacked Bernie Sanders. Now we have President Trump, when we could have had President Sanders. Blame Democrats, not Vladimir Putin or WikiLeaks for the DNC cheating Bernie and rallying around a candidate under FBI criminal investigation.

Do you agree? Read the full article here.

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