Imagine someone comes into your yard and tosses a bag of garbage over the fence.
Now imagine yourself opening that bag of garbage and foraging through it to see if there’s anything in it that you can use; or better yet, imagine yourself shrugging your shoulders and ignoring it…even pretending like it’s not there. It’s your yard, and their trash.

Disclaimer: Available in Limited Quantities to Certain AAA+++ Credit-approved African-Americans who want to see what they see.
That’s what stands out the most in this graphic that I have self-entitled “White Vision Goggles” (instead of glasses). You know, like the night vision goggles they use to hunt deer in the dark – in the headlights.
Here’s where it gets really spooky, especially if you understand that perception is 9/10ths of social media law.
In “The Making of a Terrorist,”the spin goes like this: Neil Conan asks the questions “Did they have help? Who recruited them? Who trained them? Where did they get the explosives and inspiration? How did young men who grew up in small English towns reach the point where they thought it was worth ending their own lives to kill dozens of their fellow citizens.”
Some people are not going to get this parallel, ever. It doesn’t matter.
Just understand that whatever can be done on a large scale can be micro-scaled; and that these issues would not exist in any portion of Black society in America had the drugs, weapons, and alcohol not been made, manufactured, sold, and given into this faction of the greater society. Also, keep in mind that those who make, manufacture, sell and sometimes give it are the only ones making a profit from it, or benefiting; and that they do have to dissolve a few of their own to make it all seem legit.
Take away the possibility of escape from that environment, let alone a hope of an equal chance to survive it; and you’ve got a bomb waiting to explode. Wait for it.
So you open that trash bag, which is much better than ignoring it, and in the bag are the following items: Plenty of rancid meat, like rap music telling you to curse and degrade and downgrade yourselves, your own women/mothers/daughters/nieces, and children; lots of cruddy stuff, like weed, crack, meth, spice, and 40s shawty; another mixed assortment of low-grade high-profile drugs; a passel of guns and other assault weapons; a bag of balled up photographs of lynched Negroes, and one high-impact television set with piped in shows run by racist zionists, porn-drunk gays, Hollywood pimps and ho’s who think Black people are nothing more than a joke.
You then look over the horizon of that house (a rental house that you’ll never own, by the way) and there is the looming overhang from the shadow of the new jail and prison housing complex for those of you who don’t die first. It is built in the place of the schools that were closed down because the government who built the system … well, they didn’t have any money left for schools after that. Besides, you’re worth more [spiritually] dead than alive.
But you’re enjoying it, because –hey– life is too short not to take someone else’s isht and rub it all over yourself, your mouth, and your life, family and friends and act like you’re not grateful for at least that.
On the other hand, maybe you simply walk past that garbage bag.
You stepped right over it…the one that someone else just upped and decided belonged in your yard; and you conveniently forget who put the trash there in the first place. You then proceed to attack each other over it, because well … you’ve got nothing else to do, really.
If you could hear the spin from the Angliens who tossed the bag of garbage over into your yard just to see what you would do and are now watching you like you’re some Twilight Zone character in the episode entitled The Monsters are Due on Maple Street they’d say “This is proof positive that those who are trained in the West can never become the terrorists that we helped to create in the East. If you give them what is their heart’s delight, they will stay out of your yard and self-implode in their own. And we’ll go on as we have always done, pitting them one to another, one to another, one to another … ”
“But,” say the Angliens, “keep those White Vision Goggles on at all times and your hunting rifle loaded … just in case one of those creatures escapes and comes over here into our neighborhoods by mistake.”
Disclaimer: White Vision Goggles are available in limited quantities for certain African-Americans with A-level credit on approval.
***Graphic for Credit to Jonathan Edwards: Don’t sell your talents to the Aaron McGruder folks, bro.***