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From 12 Years in Jail to Owning a Publishing Company: Justin Daugherty Turns a Nightmare Into His Own Business | Urban Intellectuals

From 12 Years in Jail to Owning a Publishing Company: Justin Daugherty Turns a Nightmare Into His Own Business

by | Sep 11, 2016 | Business, Positivity | 0 comments

The police arrested Justin Daugherty when he was just 18 years old. They arrested him for drug related offenses.

Daugherty would spend the next 12 years in prison. He was 30 years old when he became a free man once again.

Daugherty admits that he committed the crime. He accepted his conviction and he learned to be at peace with it because he did the crime. He also notes that there was an increase in racial profiling among police officers in his community at the time of his arrest.

This profiling started after the police launched an operation known as the ‘Weed & Seed Initiative.’

It is possible that his arrest resulted from racial profiling as opposed to legitimate police work. However, Daugherty chooses to accept his mistakes rather than dwell on police conduct at that time.

– Justine Daugherty: The Man

While in prison, Daugherty realized the error of his ways. He realized that his mistakes were a result of making bad decisions. Without proper guidance, he knew that he would continue making errors.

Therefore, he decided to expand his scope of knowledge as soon as he got out of prison. First, he had to work. Upon release, he secured a job in Tennessee as a welding and demolition worker.

Yorozu Automotive employed him under their Honda Line contract. He now attends Northern Community College in West Virginia where he studies Business Administration for small enterprises.

He also serves as a director for youth group that aims to promote literacy and creative writing among young people.

The idea behind this non-profit group is to reduce rates of drug use and incarceration among youths.

– Justin Daugherty: The Dreamer

Daugherty just launched his publication known as JourStarr Quality Publications. JourStarr is an independent publication house that focuses on creative nonfiction, fiction, photojournalism, and poetry.

Daugherty wants to use this publication as a means of keeping the youth engaged and out of trouble. Currently, Anthony Baltimore and Charles Leon write stories and poetry respectively under his publication house.

Both of them have had problems with the law, but they are on a transformative path to redemption.

Daughtery is providing them with an opportunity to transform quickly and positively.




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