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French Petition Asks Obama To Run To Be Their Next President! | Urban Intellectuals

French Petition Asks Obama To Run To Be Their Next President!

by | Mar 1, 2017 | Funny, News | 0 comments

“Oui on peut”, That is French for “Yes we can.” and that’s the slogan behind a new campaign that says Obama “has the best resume in the world for the job.”

“We wish to strike a blow by electing a foreign president at the head of our beautiful country,” the website says.

“Barack Obama has completed his second term as president of the United States… why not hire him as president for France?”

Of course, the whole thing is a bit of a Joke, Obama would need to become a citizen and speak French before he could even run! But considering that its gone viral it says something about the French view of the ex-pres.

Posters to back the campaign popped up around Paris and the petition has reached over 43k signatures at time of writing!

One of the creators told NPR:

We were thinking about French politics and saying that we were fed up with the fact that we all the time had to vote against someone and how it would be cool to be able to vote for someone we admire. We came up with Obama,”

“It’s definitely a joke. But it could make people think a little bit about what we could do differently in French politics… the idea was to make people wake up.”

You can see the site here

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