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Free Enterprise… Our Beloved Cancer | Urban Intellectuals

Free Enterprise… Our Beloved Cancer

by | Aug 19, 2013 | Blog | 0 comments


Hello UI. To keep in the tradition of the last post, Let’ talk about the one thing that regardless of your moral compass, feelings of equality, and other touchy feely BS….Money. Yes, the thing that gives us food, shelter, and protects our loved ones, is money. Truth be told, money is the cause of 100% of the world’s problems. Now most of you are asking me… “How can you make such a blanket statement? There are other factors to consider.” Well I have to flat out admit that you are wrong. The reason 3rd world countries are the way they are isn’t because of religious persecution, not race, or any other BS notion. It’s all money. If you look at the leaders of these foreign institutions, they themselves are rich, while their people suffer in poverty. Nothing personal… He just doesn’t want to share the country’s wealth with anyone other than himself. So if he has to share… Then he will no longer be wealthy, which means he must keep the majority down to maintain his cash flow. Now that we have that out of the way, let’s talk about our own government. There are no power hungry dictators here, nor any massively wealthy men who rule with iron fists… Yet money is still killing us as a nation. The reason for this is the system of free enterprise. This system was created and based on the unfair and seemingly harsh ways that the British extracted money from the people who settled here. They became angry and refused to pay taxes to the British, only to create the free enterprise market of today. They felt that everyman should be able to freely make as much money as possible without permission of an outside governing body. Now I know that that plan fell through, because they replaced on regime for another… However the system of free enterprise is still in place. Most people see it as a chance for freedom, and a way to build something for themselves. This flawed system has divided us and also created an even bigger problem. Now again you ask… “Free enterprise? If it were not for this system we would all be impoverished and worse than what we would be now.” Again wrong. Free enterprise has made it possible for men, women and children to starve in a country that wastes 2,750,000 tons of food per month which translates into 33 million tons per year? Or the fact that 3.5 Million American families are homeless, yet there are an average of 14.5 Million vacant homes and double the number of foreclosed bank owned homes with no one living in them? The reason is free enterprise. If food were simply given to the homless and less fortunate, then the company that sells the food item would lose money. The reason is why if food item “A” was valued at $20.00 and food item “B” (Which is the same item) was then sold at $5.00) or given away, then the food company could not justify the value of said food item, causing it to decrease in value. The profit margin would be at absolute zero by a certain time, and the company would go under. Let’s be honest… If you could get something for free instead of paying full price for t, you would, therefore killing the company. It is the same with houses and other consumable goods. This is why food is simply thrown away. This is why houses go unlived in. Now free enterprise tells us that we can make as much as we want, as long as we stay within the rules of the law. This is a problem because there is no law saying we must protect our fellow man, nor help him when he is down. There are also no laws in lace that dictate that someone in this great nation has to aid the society they live in either. So where the problem lies is the people who make tons of money off us as consumers have no monetary return by helping the poor and hungry, nor are they by law required to. So If you were making millions, or billions, serving a product that you have created a value for… Why do anything to slow it down or stop it? It’s just bad business.  Also because of this flawed system, you won’t get any tears from the middle class here either. They have been given the opiate of hope, that someday they will rise above their current situations and join the ranks of the true free enterprisers. When the truth is, they will never get there because they lack the drive, focus, resolve, and pure cold heartedness it takes to place your heel on the neck of the common man to get there. The funny thing is the wealthy have tricked us into believing that the poor are the reasons for our problems, keeping the rich, rich…. The poor, poor… And everyone else in the middle right where they should be. I mentioned this practice regarding the wealth of third world countries… Sound familiar? Look, the point is, free enterprise has turned us all into salivating dogs that only see money and the security of ourselves and our families. What can be done? Well I think a good start is to actually limit the amount of “money” a person can earn. It makes no sense for a man to have billions when another man starves, is homeless, and has no healthcare. I know I’m bordering on the fine line of Marxism and other communist philosophies, but we need to do something. The world is laughing at us for our own greed and heartlessness, in the name of free enterprise. Okay… Now that I have rattled the cage… Go.


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