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Former Trump Campaign Manager PAID MILLIONS To Aid Putin And Russia! | Urban Intellectuals

Former Trump Campaign Manager PAID MILLIONS To Aid Putin And Russia!

by | Mar 23, 2017 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

Paul Manafort secretly worked for a Russian billionaire with a plan to “greatly benefit the Putin Government,” according to the Associated Press! That was before he signed up to become Trump’s campaign manager during the run up to his presidency.

This, of course, is of special interest considering the investigation between Trump and Russia!

The AP reported:

Manafort proposed in a confidential strategy plan as early as June 2005 that he would influence politics, business dealings and news coverage inside the United States, Europe and former Soviet republics to benefit President Vladimir Putin’s government, even as U.S.-Russia relations under Republican President George W. Bush grew worse.

Manafort pitched the plans to aluminum magnate Oleg Deripaska, a close Putin ally with whom Manafort eventually signed a $10 million annual contract beginning in 2006, according to interviews with several people familiar with payments to Manafort and business records obtained by the AP. Manafort and Deripaska maintained a business relationship until at least 2009, according to one person familiar with the work.

“We are now of the belief that this model can greatly benefit the Putin Government if employed at the correct levels with the appropriate commitment to success,” Manafort wrote in the 2005 memo to Deripaska. The effort, Manafort wrote, “will be offering a great service that can re-focus, both internally and externally, the policies of the Putin government.”

White House spokesman Sean Spicer said Wednesday that President Trump had not been aware of Manafort’s work on behalf of Deripaska.

“To suggest that the president knew who his clients were from 10 years ago is a bit insane,” Spicer said. He noted the AP’s reporting “has started to catch a lot of buzz” but said Manafort’s work occurred long before he became Trump’s campaign chairman. “I don’t know what he got paid to do,” Spicer said, adding, “There’s no suggestion he did anything improper.”


Read the full story here.

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