Former Fashion Designer now Designs Blankets for NASA Satellites

by | Jan 5, 2016 | Positivity | 0 comments

I make blankets! Sounds easy enough right? Not when you add on the fact that the blanket are for satellites in outer space. Sounds far-fetched? Well meet Paula Cain from Maryland, she designs “space blankets”. Cain started her career with NASA almost eight years ago when she saw a job posting for a “pattern maker.” This “Trekkie” as she refers to herself, is a former clothing and purse designer, which is why she thought being a pattern maker would be a great fit for her.

After working for NASA for several years, Cain has become an expert at turning materials like netting and mylar into insulated blankets in order to keep a satellite running at its highest efficiency. The blankets are made according to specific measurements and requirements like fitted or loose, similar to her former profession. My first thought was, why would a satellite need a blanket? The blankets are used to protect the satellites from the elements in the stratosphere.

Working for NASA has been a dream come true for Cain. Although it may not sound difficult, her job is a bit tedious. She is not provided with a blueprint but simply given the requirements necessary for ultimate functionality. Cain and her team are currently working on a blanket for the James Webb Space Telescope, which is expected to be launched in 2018.

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