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Forget Europeans… Medicine has enslaved us all. | Urban Intellectuals

Forget Europeans… Medicine has enslaved us all.

by | Jul 9, 2013 | Blog | 0 comments

Where to begin with this one… wow. Well, the first thing I’d like to point out is the fact that this even exists proves just how naive  people are in this world, let alone country. The world has chosen profits over people and it is abundantly clear. I watch day by day go by where people are being subjected to things like the “Diabetes Awareness Ribbon Campaign” “Komen Race for the Cure” and other BS organizations that claim that they are fighting for cures and research into eradiating diseases like diabetes, cancer, AIDS ect, ect, ect.

doctor1There are billions of dollars raised for the research of these ailments, as well as billions more for new experimental treatments and other crap. Forgive me if I use CRAP to describe this but there is no other word for it. The cash cows of diabetics and cancer survivors have made pharmaceutical companies rich beyond their wildest dreams. I see on Facebook all the time how everything from T-Shirts, Bracelets, and even peel on tattoos have been sold to aiding research. They are truly turning a profit. Think of this… We are supposed to be the most advanced society in human existence… Yet we have not cured a disease since the 50’s? Come on! Where is all of this “Donated” money going? Where is our cure? Guess what… It’s not coming. Do people really believe that a billion dollar industry, built on syringes, medicine, doctor specific treatments, medical equipment, rallies to raise more money, and merch, would let it all end with the discovery of a cure? Answering that question would just simply be an insult to intelligent people everywhere. The fact is that they have found a cash cow and thy will continue to feed it as long as diabetics, cancer and AIDS individuals can contract the disease.

To think that people who have made such profit off of our pain would suddenly say “Oh! People are sick so we should give up what has made us wealthy for decades… to help our fellow man.” Yeah right. Tell that to the sap who believes that money doesn’t make the world go round… Or that it isn’t everything in this world. They help alright… The help us live with these sicknesses so that we can continue to help them earn more money by keeping us alive just long enough to use as many products as we can. Sorry everyone, but until cures become more profitable than the constant money pouring in from treatment.

There is no such thing as a cure. The sooner we know that, the better our lives will be.  Hoping and wishing for fantasy cures will only leave us with sickness of mind, as well as body. If we truly ant “Cures” to these problems, we need to attack with money, or the threat of money loss. No one is going to care about your crunchy granola protest, or your peace signs and horrible clunky scandals. Even your screams of power to the people fall on deaf ears constantly. Bottom line, if you don’t affect money… You will change nothing. Now… Thoughts?

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