Exposed Preacher: FEMALE PREACHER Who Preaches With Her TIDDAYS OUT

by | Mar 5, 2013 | News | 0 comments

This woman actually opens her sermon with “Welcome to the Gospel form the Stripper’s pole”. You can’t make this stuff up. Take a moment to listen to the video, but pay special attention to the inappropriate outfit and the camera man’s obsession with showing you the cleavage and exposed nipples.

crossMy question is if this is suppose to be done on purpose or is this an honest mistake? You would think if it was a mistake, then the image wouldn’t be place don YouTube or the Internet. But to be honest, I don’t put anything past anyone these days.

They say this is the preacher’s M.O. Needless to say, her following and flock has grown exponentially with the number of men who have joined.

What are your thoughts?



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