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F*ck Dodd-Frank: Trump Set To Sign Executive Order Legalizing Use Of Blood Diamonds | Urban Intellectuals

F*ck Dodd-Frank: Trump Set To Sign Executive Order Legalizing Use Of Blood Diamonds

by | Feb 9, 2017 | Politics News | 0 comments

Trump and the Republican Party seem to be on a mission to destroy this country and create a lot enemies. They are quietly pushing through another executive order allowing American companies to conflict minerals like blood diamonds, tungsten, tin, gold, and tantalum in their products. These minerals are used in our smart devices. This executive order will violate the Dodd-Frank act.

The Dodd-Frank act was passed to prevent another Great Recession. This act protects consumers from unethical financial institutions using predatoral lending practices. How does the Dodd-Frank act help our country: It makes the financial system more transparent and accountable, it prevents institutions from becoming too big to fail, it ends government bailouts funded by taxpayers and ended risky and abusive financial services practices.

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The Dodd-Frank act had a visible effect on stability in central Africa and led to more responsible mining practices, but due to the Republican Party this progress is about to be reversed.

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According to Global Witness, a group that has done extensive research on conflict minerals in the Democratic Republic of Congo, told the Guardian that Trump’s proposed executive order is a “gift to companies wanting to do business with the criminal and the corrupt.”

“This law helps stop US companies funding conflict and human rights abuses in the Democratic Republic of Congo and surrounding countries. Suspending it will benefit secretive and corrupt business practices.”

This confirms the obvious conflict of interest Trump has as a business man and the president. He’s a self proclaimed criminals, stating loud and proud that he doesn’t pay taxes but seems to be ok with taxpayers paying for corporate criminals to financially abuse honest hard working citizens. He is comfortable with forced child labor and giving money to militants. The militia in Africa that were “monitoring” the mining of the precious minerals we use in our smart devices worked recklessly with children as slaves, attacking civilians and businesses, and destroying economic development in their country.

Without regulation, without Dodd-Frank the militia will rise again.

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