Stockholm syndrome is a phrase that was coined at the end of a six-day hostage situation in which a bank was seized and its workers were held captive. Ultimately, the kidnapped hostages end up empathizing with their captors, some to the point of becoming sympathetic enough of their captors “plight” to join forces and form alliances with them.

Throughout history, white people have only reminded themselves of who the True Christ, the One and Only Messiah and Son of God, really was, and is, and is to come.
Now when anyone begins to speak in terms of Black people being “brainwashed” … one has to wonder whom exactly is zooming who? I mean who KIDNAPPED whom here?
Who lied to Black America with a bunch of brainwashing BS? ISIS? Not friggin’ hardly!
If the righteous white society of America continues to deeply desire to see themselves as the almighty conquering “christian hero” of the world, the one in which Black people agree with white antagonism and terrorism no matter the circumstances and subsequently declares America both godly and awesomely democratic in those misfired gestures, then they are absolutely right about Black Americans having a bad case of ‘stockholm syndrome’.
If we haven’t figured out what to do about having Stockholm Syndrome as a result of white supremacy by now, then shame on us. Joy DeGruy, Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, and others who have studied these psychological matters with Black Americans simply refer to it as “post-traumatic slave syndrome,” (PTSS), but they’re essentially saying the same thing.
In both situations, no matter the psychological trauma that has ensued as a result of it, Black people have long empathized and sympathized with their “captors” and attackers in America — be they the literal ones of the slave-chained past, or the psychological ghosts of captors that have held on throughout the past century and a half– the ones whose descendants and children and grandchildren are still literally and figuratively trying to starve Black people to death, steal from us, kill us, and destroy us and our posterity, and who do still, willfully and with malice aforethought, put poisons in our food, water, and even our clothing, et al, to this very day.
Black America has truly and fully wholeheartedly been brainwashed by a malicious white America that has gone into overtime trying to keep us traumatized enough to believe and bow down to anything they say because “white is right” and that’s the end of it.
If, however, they are referring to us having “stockholm syndrome” with regard to our seemingly wholesale commitment to understanding the true inner workings of ISIS and other terrorist organizations outside of this country, then their definition of ‘stockholm syndrome’ is dubious at best, and thoroughly out of alignment with the truth.
We Black Americans have not gone to Islamic countries in order to manipulate and abuse them, or arm them with weapons of mass destruction and beat them up if they discover they were lied to and are being used; nor have we gone to their Islamic countries to drug them up, poison them to death, burn them out, blow them up, or take away their allotted homeland in the name of some “white christian manifest destiny” that allegedly isn’t the same thing as “jihad.”

Throughout history, white people have ONLY reminded themselves of who the True Christ, the One and Only Messiah and Son of God, really was and is and is to come. If Black America does have SS, it is a direct result of ‘PTSS‘.
They will tell you that we Black Americans have “lost our minds,” but we have simply learned to believe people when they SHOW us who they are.
Those who accuse us of stockholm syndrome will curl one thing out of the side of their lips and do something entirely different with their hands, then will have us believing -if they truly think we are complete idiots- that we did not see what we saw. It’s magic. Just like a man with his pants down to his ankles and his penis dripping with slime and poo after being stuck in another man’s butt, who then jumps up, after being caught, and swears he’s not a homosexual… we Black folks are simply imagining the whole thing.
This is a FACT, this is not a figment of our imaginations, either then or now:
No Islamic people have ever come here to America to manipulate or abuse Black America, nor to arm us with weapons of mass destruction, or drug us through covert operations, or take away our rights based on a drug culture that they started; nor have they ever come to this superficial mockery of a “christian” nation to burn us out, blow us up, or take away our allotted homeland in the name of some “jihadist brown muslim mohammed” that they can’t necessarily prove existed either.
When it comes to ISIS and all other so-called “terrorist” organizations in the middle east and elsewhere, white America can remove Black America from that entire conversation, PERIOD.
They can also take us out of the conversation about religious wars and whose “god” is greater than whose else’s, because White Racist Jesus has been far more of a racist greed-mongering thugged out criminal terrorist to Black Americans than any Brown Jihadi Mohammad ever thought about being, in all honesty.
That is a battle they started and one that they and their children and grandchildren will need to fight alone.
The only burn outs, blow ups, theft of allotted homeland, refusal to compensate for the damage done, and the continuous terrorizing that ISIS can do to Black America is to come behind what the so-called white christians in America did and finish up where they left off.
WE can’t be having “stockholm syndrome” with regard to ISIS … they aren’t the ones holding us captive on our own damned homeland and trying to make us feel sorry for them while they do it. There is a slim to no chance in hell that we Black Americans are empathizing with ISIS … we know EXACTLY what is happening to them, and why. That isn’t empathizing with them, that is a damned FACT.
If these same pirating scruffians who accuse us of “empathizing with their sworn enemies” simply would take their all-holy ingrate asses over there to Saudi Arabia in order to really get at the heart of “radical Islam”–where it operates at its fully capacitated worst, they know full well that they would get their white-jesus-loving asses kicked to the moon and back, and would most assuredly wish they were burning in hell before the match is lit.
But we ’empathizers’ do understand the nature of a bully, also.
A bully always loves someone or something weaker than itself just to prove just how powerful it really is.
That’s one of the reasons Black America is too often psychologically ‘butch-bitched” back on to the mental plantations so easily, just so that “Mighty Whitey America” can prove how big and bad it really is to the rest of the world when all it really is is a lot of high-falutin’ diarrhea of the mouth far above its ability to act. Simply nothing more than roaring lions with no teeth and no claws, wearing fake-ass lion costumes fashioned after the back end of a two-man donkey suit.
Those whose ancestors have terrorized and whose descendants still do terrorize and abuse Black Americans in the United States now have the unmitigated gall to accuse Black Americans of having “stockholm syndrome” if we call out the stench on their poo when it comes to ISIS for exactly what it is? The hell, you preach.
Black America: Untwist.
Their America is not YOUR America and that is no fault of your own.
So if you truly love America, just like President Obama –or even more than President Obama– then give proper and decisive “credit” where proper and decisive credit is due.
“Stockholm Syndrome” makes more sense when applied to Muslims or Islamic people who empathize with American jihadists who claim to be christians or those who empathize with radical extremists like Bill O’Reilly, than it does on Black people who empathize with Muslims who have never touched them and likely never will. Definitely does not apply to Black people who empathize with Muslims who never sat on a national network television show and called for military and nuclear armament against anyone who is not white, and anyone who does not agree with and obey their arrogant self-promoting over-bloated self-righteous sanctimonious wills, no matter what their race.
Why won’t they touch us? Because it ‘profiteth them nothing’ to do so.
They’d be wasting their time, money, and energy on some Black people who can’t even get an American Justice System to rightfully charge a lying stalking harassing murdering racist for killing a 17-year old Black teenager for no reason whatsoever except the color of his skin.
Our name is “linnit,” we ain’t “innit,” not even for a “minnit.
NEVER FORGET … President Obama’s following American precedent in international war policy in Syria and Libya is from the same failed ideas and playbooks that screwed up Iraq on George Bush’s watch…same lies, same history, they just happen to be able to now pin their horrific long-term historical failures on the Black man who made the same wrongheaded choices as the President before him.