Ex-Mexican Prez To Trump: ‘I’m Not Going To Pay For That F*cking Wall’ (VIDEO)

by | Apr 6, 2016 | Politics News | 0 comments

Donald Trump’s idea about building a wall on the border with Mexico caught the attention of the media once again. Former president of Mexico decided to share some of his thoughts about the subject, claiming that he has no intention of paying for that “f***ing wall”.

Obviously, Vicente Fox addressed the issue with some pretty strong language and he continued in that manner when he was asked whether he is afraid of Donald Trump winning the general elections. In his response, he told the reporter Jorge Ramos that democracy is not suppose to “take us to crazy people”.

He also offered his views about Trump winning the Hispanic’s votes in Nevada primary elections earlier that week, calling it a disturbing precedent.

Fox warned all those Hispanics who voted for Trump that he is a false prophet who can only lead them to the desert. Former Mexican president told them that they are mistaken if they really believe that they are going to profit from Donald Trump and his administration.

Republican front runner responded couple of days later in CNN Republican debate, in his usual outspoken way. When asked to share some comments on the interview he said that the wall “just got ten feet taller” and that it’s definitely going to be built.

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Ex-Mexican Prez To Trump: ‘I’m Not Going To Pay For That F*cking Wall’ (VIDEO)


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