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“Ex-Marine” Who Called 911 on John Crawford in Walmart Lied to Police and Is Now Changing His Story | Urban Intellectuals

“Ex-Marine” Who Called 911 on John Crawford in Walmart Lied to Police and Is Now Changing His Story

by | Sep 9, 2014 | Blog, News | 0 comments

It would seem that the story of John Crawford has taken a twist. In recent developments it has come to light that the couple that called 911 on John and reported that he was “pointing a weapon at people” and had “just loaded it” might not have been telling the truth. Since the release of the story there have been several questions, such as how an Ex-Marine (as Ronnie Ritchie was initially labeled) wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between a real rifle and a BB Gun? Why wasn’t camera footage released? Why were there no other calls? Why would the police come in and open fire without even giving John a chance to explain the situation?

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In recent Developments we can now see that Ronnie Ritchie, the Ex-Marine that made the 911 call isn’t an Ex-Marine at all. He was kicked out for fraudulent enlistment after only 7 weeks, which means he didn’t complete basic training. He is also now telling a story that says that John Crawford never shouldered and pointed the toy at anyone. The dispatcher was told that he had just put bullets in the gun when Ronnie Ritchie believed he saw John attempting to load the weapon.

We all know what happened next.

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The police showed up and killed John Crawford a father of 3, the third baby he didn’t even know his partner was pregnant with. Autopsy Reports show that he was shot on his left side confirming he was facing away from police officers, also leading some to believe as the family of John suggest, that he wasn’t never given a chance to comply with officers demands.   Although more questions remain, this serves as an interesting twist and answers some of the question we already had.

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  Now we can’t help but wonder if Ronnie Ritchie will be brought up on charges seeing as his actions caused the death of 2 people, John Crawford and a unnamed woman that had a heart attack in the ensuing panic.

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