Everybody Hates Black

by | Jun 6, 2014 | Culture | 0 comments

America for the last century just about has done a very successful job waging a war against anything black. Black America for the last 40 years or so have done a very successful job at embracing the propaganda of black is bad put out by the dominant white society. Let’s look at 3 ways that this has been going on and show some people how they have had a hand in oppressing their very own culture.

1. Slang/Ebonics is ignorant and stupid and only used by idiots. Isn’t it funny that Spanish speaking immigrants aren’t told they need to learn the kings English at least as good as the queen? Look at all the concessions made for them, and to take matters a little further nowadays we are seeing the rise of Spanglish which is a mesh of English and Spanish in which neither language is used appropriately. But no one is telling them to pic one or to at least speak them mixed up properly. Businesses are hiring Spanglish speaking professionals all to get at this new market.

But when you think about Ebonics/slang used by the black populace, the media presented an entirely different spin. It wasn’t seen as a tool of communication it was seen as a sign of stupidity and negative ignorance. “Why can’t those people learn to speak English properly” was the theme of the day by both whites and the “I’m not like them” class of black people. It’s one thing to speak their language when you are in their world but black people were getting attacked for speaking this way even amongst each other. Even now you here “educated” black people championing the “Black people need to learn how to speak” cause.

Here is the message, if we owned our own we could speak how we wanted. Communication is about 2 people understanding each other NOTHING MORE NOTHING LESS. If I say “a brah slide to the white lady and pic m’up a 2 with juice,” and you understand that I’m saying can you go to Wendy’s for me and get me a number 2 with a HI C, we have just successfully communicated.

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But why is it that Ebonics is looked down on while Spanglish is being embraced and accepted.

2. Hip Hop Has needs to be destroyed. This is another one that is particularly funny without being funny. Black people are constantly ridiculed for hip hop as being devil worshipping evil music. Even when it was positive it was frowned upon by the dominant white society and as such by a large portion of the black elite and those that aspired to become one of them.

Now I hear people saying they listen to country music despite some of the overt racism present in music and southern pride in all things that represent slavery and oppression. White Power Country Music saw a surge in response to the Civil Rights Movement and it never came down. Songs like Accidental Racist by Brad Paisley featuring none other than LL Cool J speak to the fact that racism is present in white music and America and a point of pride for some and they don’t want to do anything about it, but it’s okay because it isn’t black.  Lets not even start on Death Metal and other forms and artist that actually do worship the devil (not saying all death metal is devil worshiping).

When we speak to the dancing in black music often left unlooked at is the dance culture of the Hispanic Community. Amazing how many similarities there are between black culture and Hispanic culture, also amazing how poorly they get along. They shake their butts and grind just as much if not more than any black song but we have to approach it with a level of acceptance. Black dancing however and the music that accompanies it aren’t afforded the same respect.

Here is the message, again, if we had our own community none of this stuff would matter because it wouldn’t impact us.

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  But instead we have so many people aspiring to be successful in the white community that they adopt these beliefs about their own people.

3. Black Culture is Ghetto and Unprofessional and Stupid. This one is Unique to black culture because out of every other culture in America, no one faces the level of negativity that black people face. If you call anyone in the LBGT community anything negative you might as well kill yourself. If you talk bad about the Jewish community you’re done. But you can become 2 billion dollars richer by talking bad about black people (Donald Sterling). People will defend you and give you money (Michael Dunn). If you shoot one you become a hero (George Zimmerman). You call them lazy and question whether they were better off as slaves and you get a black one as your body guard (Cliven Bundy). You call their culture criminal and say the blame is all on them and you get celebrated (Obama).

All across the country the only consistent thing black children hear is that if you want to be successful distance yourself from everything black. Black music, black language, black culture, black friends, and assimilate into the white society. The sad part is that it’s said in a way that makes us all champion it. If you’re loud they say you are acting black and it has such a negative spin on it that it makes you want to whisper everywhere you go. If you use Ebonics you are viewed as unintelligent. If you dress in Baggy clothes you are viewed as a thug or a gangster. If you name your child anything but a traditionally white name you are attacked. A Chinese child can be named Chin Cum Fat and not get ridiculed but a black child named Tyshawn is just too much, EVEN AMONGST OTHER BLACKS.

With that we dive into a whole other discussion because black fashion has been regularly attacked as being sloppy, ghetto, and stupid. They changed the entire NBA dress code in part because of Allen Iverson.

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Back in those days men sagged but you didn’t see any underwear because the shirt was 3 sizes too big. It’s a problem when I wear my cloths big but it’s okay for me to wear women’s clothing (LBGT). We could go on and on for days on the topic is Black Culture having a negative label.

The point is that if we had our own we wouldn’t have to worry about assimilating into another’s culture in order to survive. But what is sad is that in this world of acceptance, we still accept everything presented to us as long as it isn’t black. What is even sadder is that a large percentage of black people feel this way and don’t see anything wrong with it. Remember in the 30’s and 40’s black people dressed in 3 piece suits and spoke good kings English and listened to Jazz and Blues and we were still considered monkey’s in suits listening to garbage. Our culture was still considered to be stupid and unprofessional. I guess the biggest laugh comes when you consider that despite the changes in America and Black America, Black Americans and the things they present that aren’t in line with the dominant cultural norms (assimilating in nature) are always considered negative. Think about that next time you attack black people for having their own culture, and not being more in line with the dominant white culture (assimilated).

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