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Even Fox News Are Exasperated At Trump’s White House “Why Is It Lie After Lie?” | Urban Intellectuals

Even Fox News Are Exasperated At Trump’s White House “Why Is It Lie After Lie?”

by | Jul 17, 2017 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

Fox News anchor Shepard Smith seems like he has just about had it with Trump’s White House and aired his frustration over this whole Russia debacle. This was a new level for any Fox news host and lets not be surprised if this is the beginning of the network distancing themselves from the Pres.

He said:

“Why is it lie after lie after lie?”

“The deception, Chris, is mind-boggling.”

“There are still people out there who believe we’re making it up, and one day they’re gonna realize we’re not, and look around and go, ‘Where are we? And why are we getting told all these lies?’”

Watch below!

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