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THE END IS NIGH? Preliminary Impeachment Papers Filed Against Trump, Russia Communication Lies…. | Urban Intellectuals

THE END IS NIGH? Preliminary Impeachment Papers Filed Against Trump, Russia Communication Lies….

by | Feb 15, 2017 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

Reportedly preliminary impeachment papers have been filed against President Donald Trump, so is this the beginning of the end? Maybe….

Top Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee Jerrold Nadler, (D-NY), is the first to attempt to impeach the President filing an “Articles of Inquiry” over his business dealings with Russia. Although this happened around 5 days ago, with the Flynn firing / stepping down and the leaks that Trump and Co lied about talking to the Russian government maybe the sh*t storm is finally getting ready for it’s final blowout!

The last time a move like his happened was way back in 1995 when the Republicans were successful in getting president Bill Clinton for perjury and obstruction of justice, related to a sexual harassment lawsuit filed by Paula Jones. Clinton was cleared by Congress but would the same happen for Trump?

Nadler said of his move:

“Donald Trump has refused to step away from his business interests in any meaningful way,”

“His foreign entanglements are likely unconstitutional, he has repeated refused to disclose his financial assets, and he is clouded by the specter of Russian intervention in the election and his Administration.”

A response will be issued within 14 legislative days of filing, so in the next 9 days or so.

And regarding those Russia communication lies. The Huff reported:

On Jan. 15, shortly before Trump took office, Vice President Mike Pence repeatedly said on television that there were zero contacts between the campaign and Russian officials.

“Just to button up one question, did any adviser or anybody in the Trump campaign have any contact with the Russians who were trying to meddle in the election?” CBS “Face the Nation” host John Dickerson asked.

“Of course not,” Pence replied.

Pence also answered “of course not” when asked a similar question that day by “Fox News Sunday” host Chris Wallace, adding, “All the contact by the Trump campaign and associates were with the American people.”

Trump himself also denied these interactions, according to NBC News on Jan. 11:

Trump did not specifically address questions regarding whether members of his staff were in contact with Russian officials during the campaign. When NBC News repeated that question to Trump afterwards as the president-elect approached the elevator to exit the room, he answered “No.”

Src: Huff.

The matter could also be brought directly to the floor!

On top of all this Russia is reportedly worried about Trump, and if they have any influence they may push things along!

This is probably the first of many attempts but never has impeachment looked so likely for a President.

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