EMAIL PROOF: George Bush and UK’s Tony Blair Planned Iraq Invasion AT LEAST A YEAR IN ADVANCE!

by | Sep 26, 2016 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

Something we ALL KNEW has finally been proved amongst the emails being published from the private server of Hilary Clinton.

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Although we all knew it, it’s still shocking to see correspondence regarding and between two world leaders about the actions that essentially led to the murders of a hell of a lot of people, on the back of a constructed lie.

The emails and documents reveal plots, spies and politics that led up to a pre-planned war.

The emails and documents from Hilary Clinton’s server have been released due to rulings from U.S. courts. Mails from the time she was foreign secretary show the extent of the planning.

Here are a few excerpts of the mails.

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Secretary of State Colin Powell to George W. Bush.

Blair continues to stand by you and the U.S. as we move forward on the war on terrorism and on Iraq. He will present to you the strategic, tactical and public affairs lines that he believes will strengthen global support for our common cause

And this from a U.S Embassy in London memo shows the use of spies in the UK’s Labour Party.

PM Tony Blair has made publicly clear his commitment to a more proactive Iraq policy.

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Reflecting the polled sentiments of voters, however, a sizable number of his labor party MP’s remains at present opposed to military action against Iraq. A majority indicate they would change their minds if they had proof of Iraqi involvement in September 11 or another terrorist atrocity. Some would favor shifting from a policy of containment of Iraq if they had recent (and publicly usable) proof that Iraq is WMD/missiles or that Iraq’s WMD status has changed for the worse

Absolutely disgusting!

$2 trillion 4,000 American soldiers dead,200,000 plus Iraqis dead, and many other casulties….

Here are some more of the docs, thanks to for these…










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