Thank you to Edie Anderson for publishing this 1986 letter from Coretta Scott King to Strom Thurmond, a known southern racist himself, who was then Senate Judiciary Chair.
In case you can’t read it, it was written on formal letterhead from the MLK Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change, dated March 19, 1986, (a Wednesday) and it reads as follows…
Dear Senator Thurmond: I write to express my sincere opposition to the confirmation of Jefferson B. Sessions as a federal district court judge for the Southern District of Alabama. My professional and personal roots in Alabama are deep and lasting.
Anyone who has used the power of his office as United States Attorney to intimidate and chill the free exercise of the ballot by citizens should not be elevated to our courts. Mr. Sessions has used the awesome powers of his office in a shabby attempt to intimidate and frighten elderly black voters.
For this reprehensible conduct, he should not be rewarded with a federal judgeship. I regret that a long-standing commitment prevents me from appearing in person to testify against this nominee. However, I have attached a copy of my statement opposing Mr. Sessions’ confirmation and I request that my statement as well this letter be made a part of the hearing record. I do sincerely urge you to oppose the confirmation of Mr. Sessions. Sincerely, Coretta Scott King

Coretta Scott King letter to Strom Thurmond March 1986
BLACK HISTORY MONTH Question: How long did it take them to ignore Mrs. King’s letter, crying out from her eternal resting place, and to ban Elizabeth Warren from speaking out against Sessions? Let’s just say she never got to read it. At all. And she is still banned now.
Jefferson Sessions will be confirmed and Black American people will either not get it at all, say it was “in the past” and has nothing to do with now, or roll over and acquiesce like a slave on a plantation without so much as a peep. Take your pick. In either case, Sessions is said by his own constituents to have “changed” in that he no longer opposes Blacks having the right to vote, and that his history should be left ‘in the past’ where it belongs.
And in this November 2016 article link in The Atlantic, it would appear that “Jeff” Sessions is now more opposed to Muslims, gays, weedheads (though he appears to be more than a little bit blinged out on drugs himself), the rights of [pussy-grabbed and capped] white women, (hell, what else can they do to hurt Black women that isn’t already done and that was not publicly approved and overlooked at the hands of all others?), and the rollback of proper criminal justice reform than he is making a direct hit on Black people.
Black evangelicals of the “christian” ilk are not going to have an issue with any of those matters of Sessions, though he does come off as a juvenile delinquent who has to wake up in the mornings thinking up self-righteous fights to pick for no real reason.
So how much of an issue is this Sessions guy really for Black America?
Is this now just a gay and Muslim and illegal immigrant issue that has nothing to do with ‘elderly Black citizens of the past’ being strong-armed deprived of their right to vote by Sessions?
Trump has a Congress now controlled by Tea Party-ish racist and vile deplorable despicable and uneducated experience-free Republicans -situationally elected by Black America whether by hook or by crook- who are going to confirm Sessions like they did with Betsy Devos; and that, as they say, is “when the fight started.” #whiteraceselfimplosion
Question is, will you be there, defending majorly whites in ways that they have almost never shown up for Black people?
Because none and next to none of these focal groups that Sessions is after now were here for us. They did not show up when it came to Sandra Bland, Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, Kenneth Walker, Michael Brown, Sean Bell, Relisha McBride, and hundreds of others…though many will say that Black Lives Matter is actually nothing more or less than a Black LBGTQ group anyway.
Now that the historical white racists of Sessions’ calibre have done Black America thoroughly in, and also have managed to disintegrate America’s middle class and white women feminista progression shortly thereafter, they are after all the others who actually NEED Black America now more than ever.
They are out to tear down and disseminate the groups who are the centerpoint of evangelicalist attack now, and the ones who need help now are the same ones who did not turn up and turn out FOR BLACK PEOPLE when we needed them.
There is doubt that they ever would have turned out for us when all it took for us to be targets -right or wrong- was for Sessions and those like him to use the words “Black,” “nigger,” “thug,” “coon,” and LIBERALS {code for Black people and all who sympathize or empathize with the plight of Black people}.
That word LIBERAL was their ‘crossover word’ that should have given them a clue that they would not stop with just us. We are overcome, outdone, and out for the count in America.
Who’s next? How long do we wait now for some childhood mental health issue or white supremacist values of a Nazi-driven womanizing white man to show up as the Face of Resolute Law in America?