I am Toto and Dorothy brought me here today. I will now pull back the curtain and tell you who is the Wizard of Odd behind the closed curtains of American elections in 2016…a mealy-mouthed lot with a penchant for unrequited power who wants candidates to rule rather than govern. WE ARE THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE, WE CHOSE THEM by laying down on our own morals, ethics and scruples in this election year and allowing a fringe lunatic 25-percent control the US narrative. 3/4s of this nation’s VOTERS who participated did not elect Donald Trump president and nearly half did not vote at all. Period. Do the math.
We have been spooked out for YEARS by this Electoral College process and it is high time for us, yes YOU BLACK AMERICANS, to understand what it is, why it is, who is on it and why, and how YOU can get in on it, too.
Read all the way to the very end -if you dare, because the names of the many racists and fringe lunatics in YOUR state who allowed Trump into President Obama’s seat are in here as well.
Below is the information, the states and the names and the electoral college which only comprises HALF of this country’s states. They were RECRUITED to elect Donald Trump because YOU, dear voters who only vote and do not follow through and dear non-voters who do not vote at all, allowed it by not participating in your state’s election processes and procedures. You also allowed Citizens United to stay in place and buy elections and then you blame the candidates for being bought. But YOU allowed it.
Barack Obama had to actually WIN the election; white racists in America just have stuff handed to them and “we” help it along by not being aware of what happens and what we can do about it.
Donald Trump used pure southern strategy Lee Atwater-style, to win the Pop vote election in November of 2016 and he only won by 25-percent of the voters. Hillary Clinton actually did win the popular vote, but the tradition is for her to concede due to Electoral College preliminaries during the national vote, which doesn’t necessarily mean Trump gets to be President. YET. PETITION.
The problem is not with the College, the problem is the fact that the Electoral College voted against the actual winner in 2000 -Al Gore- and they are doing it again in 2016 with Hillary Clinton. They are, once again, about to leave this nation stuck on a “special kind of stupid” with Trump in place.
It is not that simple for him to be INAUGURATED, and that is where the WE THE PEOPLE part comes in. The Electoral College was designed in the system of checks and balances to keep despots and demagogues OUT of office, and Trump does not even have the POLITICAL experience to qualify, let alone anything else we need going for himself. There are many questions that WE THE PEOPLE need to task from the Electoral College…
The Electoral College is a process, not a place.
The founding fathers established it in the Constitution as a compromise between election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens.
The Electoral College process consists of the selection of the electors, the meeting of the electors where they vote for President and Vice President, and the counting of the electoral votes by Congress.
The Electoral College consists of 538 electors. A majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the President. Your state’s entitled allotment of electors equals the number of members in its Congressional delegation: one for each member in the House of Representatives plus two for your Senators. Read more about the allocation of electoral votes.
We did not FOLLOW THROUGH when Al Gore was elected in 2000, we who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it. The Elector College’s JOB is to not allow this kind of racism and hatred to prevail in the United States on OUR watch, period.
HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? And what can be done about it as we prepare to have Trump impeached by the end of 2017?
About the Electors
What are the qualifications to be an Elector?
The U.S. Constitution contains very few provisions relating to the qualifications of Electors. Article II, section 1, clause 2 provides that no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector. As a historical matter, the 14th Amendment provides that state officials who have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the United States or given aid and comfort to its enemies are disqualified from serving as Electors. This prohibition relates to the post-Civil War era.
Each state’s Certificates of Ascertainment confirms the names of its appointed electors. A state’s certification of its electors is generally sufficient to establish the qualifications of electors.
Who selects the Electors?
Choosing each state’s Electors is a two-part process. First, the political parties in each state choose slates of potential Electors sometime before the general election. Second, on Election Day, the voters in each state select their state’s Electors by casting their ballots for President.
The first part of the process is controlled by the political parties in each state and varies from state to state. Generally, the parties either nominate slates of potential Electors at their state party conventions or they chose them by a vote of the party’s central committee. This happens in each state for each party by whatever rules the state party and (sometimes) the national party have for the process. This first part of the process results in each Presidential candidate having their own unique slate of potential Electors.
Political parties often choose Electors for the slate to recognize their service and dedication to that political party. They may be state elected officials, state party leaders, or people in the state who have a personal or political affiliation with their party’s Presidential candidate. (For specific information about how slates of potential Electors are chosen, contact the political parties in each state.)
The second part of the process happens on Election Day. When the voters in each state cast votes for the Presidential candidate of their choice they are voting to select their state’s Electors. The potential Electors’ names may or may not appear on the ballot below the name of the Presidential candidates, depending on election procedures and ballot formats in each state.
The winning Presidential candidate’s slate of potential Electors are appointed as the state’s Electors—except in Nebraska and Maine, which have proportional distribution of the Electors. In Nebraska and Maine, the state winner receives two Electors and the winner of each congressional district (who may be the same as the overall winner or a different candidate) receives one Elector. This system permits the Electors from Nebraska and Maine to be awarded to more than one candidate.
Are there restrictions on who the Electors can vote for?
There is no Constitutional provision or Federal law that requires Electors to vote according to the results of the popular vote in their states. Some states, however, require Electors to cast their votes according to the popular vote. These pledges fall into two categories—Electors bound by state law and those bound by pledges to political parties.
The U.S. Supreme Court has held that the Constitution does not require that Electors be completely free to act as they choose and therefore, political parties may extract pledges from electors to vote for the parties’ nominees. Some state laws provide that so-called “faithless Electors” may be subject to fines or may be disqualified for casting an invalid vote and be replaced by a substitute elector. The Supreme Court has not specifically ruled on the question of whether pledges and penalties for failure to vote as pledged may be enforced under the Constitution. No Elector has ever been prosecuted for failing to vote as pledged.
Today, it is rare for Electors to disregard the popular vote by casting their electoral vote for someone other than their party’s candidate. Electors generally hold a leadership position in their party or were chosen to recognize years of loyal service to the party. Throughout our history as a nation, more than 99 percent of Electors have voted as pledged.
Ask The Electors is asking us to email the members of the Electoral College and tell them that America does not want a despot and demagogue with a wife he picked up in a brothel driving the helm in this nation. We are far too easy to give in and had we known then what we know now about the Electoral College and stopped treating it as if its the “Illuminati,” Al Gore would have been President in 2000 and we’d never have had a “911” to talk about.
That said, this is from AskTheElectors: asktheelectors.org
List of State Laws and Requirements Regarding the Electors
verified as of March 1, 2016
The Office of the Federal Register presents this material for informational purposes only, in response to numerous public inquiries. The list has no legal significance. It is based on information compiled by the Congressional Research Service. For more comprehensive information, refer to the U.S. Constitution and applicable Federal laws.
Legal Requirements or Pledges
Electors in these States are bound by State Law or by pledges to cast their vote for a specific candidate:
ALABAMA – Party Pledge / State Law – § 17-19-2
ALASKA – Party Pledge / State Law – § 15.30.040; 15.30.070
CALIFORNIA – State Law – Elections Code § 6906
COLORADO – State Law – § 1-4-304
CONNECTICUT – State Law – § 9-175
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA – DC Pledge / DC Law – § 1-1001.08(g)
FLORIDA – Party Pledge / State Law – § 103.021(1)
HAWAII – State Law – §§ 14-26 to 14-28
MAINE – State Law – § 805
MARYLAND – State Law – § 8-505
MASSACHUSETTS – Party Pledge / State Law – Ch. 53, § 8, Supp.
MICHIGAN – State Law – § 168.47 (Violation cancels vote and Elector is replaced.)
MISSISSIPPI – Party Pledge / State Law – § 23-15-785(3)
MONTANA – State Law – § 13-25-304
NEBRASKA – State Law – § 32-714
NEW MEXICO – State Law – § 1-15-5 to 1-15-9 (Violation is a fourth degree felony.)
NORTH CAROLINA – State Law – § 163-212 (Violation cancels vote; elector is replaced and is subject to $500 fine.)
OHIO – State Law – § 3505.40
OKLAHOMA – State Pledge / State Law – 26, §§ 10-102; 10-109 (Violation of oath is a misdemeanor, carrying a fine of up to $1000.)
OREGON – State Pledge / State Law – § 248.355
SOUTH CAROLINA – State Pledge / State Law – § 7-19-80 (Replacement and criminal sanctions for violation.)
VERMONT – State Law – title 17, § 2732
VIRGINIA – State Law – § 24.2-202
WASHINGTON – Party Pledge / State Law – §§ 29.71.020, 29.71.040, Supp. ($1000 fine.)
WISCONSIN – State Law – § 7.75
WYOMING – State Law – §§ 22-19-106; 22-19-108

Electoral College is supposed to look like ALL of us, not just white racist and token blacks who support white supremacy
This is a list of EVERYONE on the Electoral College in each state:
Alabama Electors’ Names
The following are the Republican presidential electors for Alabama.
Frank Burt, Jr. of Bay Minette
Will Sellers of Montgomery
James “Jim” Eldon Wilson of Montgomery
J. Elbert Peters Huntsville
Mary Sue McClurkin of Indian Springs
Robert. A. “Bob” Cusanelli of Carrollton
Perry Hooper Jr. of Pike Road (elector certification here)
Grady H. Thornton of Birmingham (elector certification here)
Alaska Electors’ Names
The following are the Republican presidential electors.
Sean Parnell of Palmer (served as Governor of Alaska from 2009 to 2014.)
Jacqueline Tupou of Juneau
Arizona Electors’ Names
The following are the Republican presidential electors.
Bruce Ash of Tucson
Walter Begay Jr. of Kayenta
Sharon Giese of Mesa
Robert Graham of Phoenix (GOP Chair)
Alberto Gutier of Phoenix
Jerry Hayden of Scottsdale
Carole Joyce of Phoenix
Jane Pierpoint Lynch of Phoenix (According to Politico, she plans to vote for Gary Johnson in the electoral college or a write-in, not Trump)
J. Foster Morgan of Glendale
James O’Connor of Scottsdale
Edward Robson of Phoenix
Arkansas Electors’ Names
The following are the Republican presidential electors.
Jonelle Fulmer
Jonathan Barnett
Keith Gibson
Sharon Wright
Tommy Land
John Nabholz
California Electors’ Names
The following are the Democrat presidential electors.
Dustin Reed
John Ryan
Faith Garamendi
Kathleen Scott
Timothy Farley
Analea Patterson
Janine Bera
Denise Wells
Mark Headley
Susan Eggman
James Donahue
Christine Pelosi
Saundra Andrews
Mark Olbert
Donna Ireland
Steven Diebert
Steve Spinner
Celine Purcell
Javier Gonzalez
Vinzenz Koller
Ana Huerta
Stephen Natoli
Andres Ramos
Gail Teton-Landis
Natalie Fortman
Shawn Terris
David Warmuth
Laurence Zakson
Nury Martinez
Sheldon Malchicoff
Cathy Morris
Benjamin Cardenas
Edward Buck
Olivia Reyes-Becerra
Robert Torres
Priscilla Richardson
Gwen Moore
Jacki Cisneros
John MacMurray
Marie Torres
Jane Block
Andrew Krakoff
Karen Waters
Dorothy Vann
Sandra Aduna
Gregory Willenborg
Carmen Perez
Raymond Cordova
Francine Busby
Patrick Drinan
Christine Kehoe
Katherine Lyon
Shirley Weber
Eileen Feinstein Mariano
Laphonza Butler
Colorado Electors’ Names
The following are the Democrat presidential electors.
Terry Phillips of Louisville
Mary Beth Corsentino of Pueblo
Jerad Sutton of Greeley
Robert Nemanich of Colorado Springs
Amy Drayer of Greenwood Village
Ann Knollman of Arvada
Sen. Rollie Heath of Boulder (state legislator since 2008)
Hon. Polly Baca of Denver (American politician, first Hispanic woman elected to Colorado State Senate)
Micheal Baca of Denver
Connecticut Electors’ Names
The following are the Democrat presidential electors.
Barbara Gordon of West Hartford
Ellen Nurse of Hartford
Edward Piazza of New Haven
Tyisha Walker of New Haven
Christopher Rosario of Bridgeport
Robert Godfrey of Danbury
Steven Jones of Tolland
Delaware Electors’ Names
The following are the Democrat presidential electors.
Lynn Fuller
Lydia York
Linda Cavanaugh
D.C. Electors’ Names
The following are the Democrat presidential electors.
Anita Bonds
Jack Evans
Franklin Garcia
Florida Electors’ Names
The following are the Republican presidential electors.
Ade Aderibigbe
Larry Ahern
Brian Ballard
Kristy Banks
Michael Barnett
LizBeth Benacquisto
Robin Bernstein
Pam Bondi (current Attorney General of Florida)
John Browning
Sharon Day
Dena DeCamp
Nick D
Jeremy Evans
John Falconetti
Peter Feaman
Kat Gates-Skipper
Joe Gruters
Debbie Hannifan
Blaise Ingoglia (Chair of the Republican Party of Florida. Contact information is here.)
Tony Ledbetter (chairman of the Volusia County Republican Executive Committee since 2012. He works for the Trump campaign in Northeast Florida as the political regional director.)
Mike Moberley
Susan Moore
Joe Negron (Republican member of the Florida State Senate since 2009)
Clint Pate
Ray Rodrigues
Carlos Trujillo
Robert Watkins
Susie Wiles
Christian Ziegler
Georgia Electors’ Names
The following are the presidential electors for Georgia. One Georgia elector, Boaky Nguyen Vu, already announced that he would not vote for Trump, but would instead be a faithless elector, according to NBC 11. However, before he could vote he ended up resigning as an elector instead. He’ll be replaced by an alternate.
Bruce Allen Azevedo
Brian K Burdette
Lott Harris Dill
John David Elliott
James Randolph Evans
Bobbie D. Frantz
Linda D. Herren
Rachel Blackstone Little
Deborah M. McCord
Michael Neil McNeely
Mary L. Padgett
Neil L. Pruitt
Joshua Kirk Shook
Frank B. Strickland
Baoky Nguyen Vu (resigned, will be replaced by alternate)
John B. White
Hawaii Electors’ Names
The following are the Democrat presidential electors.
John Bickel
Janice Bond
Marie (Dolly) Strazar
David Mulinix
Idaho Electors’ Names
The following are the Republican presidential electors.
Jennifer Locke
Melinda Smyser (Republican Idaho State Senator)
Layne Bangerter
Caleb Lakey
Illinois Electors’ Names
The following are the Democrat presidential electors. There are 20 total and this only lists 19.
Toni Preckwinkle (Cook County Board President)
Carrie Austin (alderman of the 34th ward of the City of Chicago)
Silvana Tabares
Jesus “Chuy” Garcia (Cook County Board of Commissioners)
Pam Cullerton
Nancy Shepardson
Vera Davis
William Marovitz (American lawyer and politician involved in real estate)
Barbara Flynn Currie (member of Illinois House of Representatives)
John R. Daley
Michelle Mussman
Lauren Beth Gash of Highland Park
Kevin Duffy Blackburn of Joliet
Jerry Costello of Belleville (former U.S. Representative to the 12th district)
Carol Ammons of Urbana
Mark Guethle of North Aurora
Flint Taylor of McLeansboro
John Nelson of Rockford
Don Johnston of Rock Island
Twentieth elector unknown
Indiana Electors’ Names
The following are the Republican presidential electors.
Stephanie Beckley
Kevin Steen
Kelly Mitchell
Daniel Bortner
Laura Campbell
Jeff Cardwell
Donald Hayes
Randall Kirkpatrick
Edwin Simcox
Ethan Manning
Chuck Williams
Iowa Electors’ Names
The following are the Republican presidential electors.
James Whitmer
Don Kass
Dylan Keller
Alan Braun
Krut Brown
Polly Granzow
Kansas Electors’ Names
The following are the Republican presidential electors.
Ashley J. McMillan of Concordia (vice party chair)
Helen Van Etten of Topeka (national committeewoman)
Mark Kahrs of Wichita (national committeeman)
Ron Estes of Wichita (Kansas State Treasurer)
Clayton L. Barker of Leawood (party executive director)
Kelly Arnold of Wichita (party chair)
Kentucky Electors’ Names
The following are the Republican presidential electors.
Jim Skaggs (Politico lists him as a Republican Trump skeptic who wasn’t sure he’d vote for Trump on Election Day)
David Disponett
Robert Duncan
Michael Carter
Scott Lasley
Walter Reichert
Mary Singleton
Troy Sheldon
Louisiana Electors’ Names
The following are the Republican presidential electors.
Chris D. Trahan
Lloyd A. Harsh
Charles L. “Charlie” Buckels
Louis Avalone
Kay Kellogg Katz
Lennie Rhys
Garret Monti
Steven “Scott” Wilfong
Maine Electors’ Names
The following are the presidential electors, three Democrat and one Republican.
Diane Denk (She preferred Bernie over Sanders, according to Politico, but still supported Clinton)
David Bright of Dixmont
Sam Shapiro of Winslow
Richard Bennett (R) of Oxford
Maryland Electors’ Names
The following are the Democrat presidential electors.
Lesley Israel
Robert Leonard
Lillian Holmes
Salome Peters
Hagner Mister
Claudia Martin
Courtney Watson
Karen Britto
Susan Ness
Wayne Rogers
Massachusetts Electors’ Names
The following are the Democrat presidential electors.
Nazda Alam
Mary Gail Cokkinias
Marie Turley
Dori Dean
Donna Smith
Cheryl Cumings
Marc Pacheco
Curtis Lemay
Jason Palitsch
Paul Yorkis
Parwez Wahid
Michigan Electors’ Names
The following are the Republican presidential electors.
John Haggard
Jack Holmes
Kelly Mitchell
Judy Rapanos
Henry Hatter
Robert Weitt
Wyckham Seelig
Ross Ensign
Michael Banerian
Brian Fairbrother
Ken Crider
Mary Vaughn
Jim Rhoades (a “motorcycle lobbyist“)
William Rauwerdink
Hank Fuhs
Joseph Guzman
Minnesota Electors’ Names
The following are the Democrat presidential electors.
Fred Knudson
Roger Gehrke
Marge Hoffa
Raymond Hess
Muhammed Abdurrahman
Betsy O’Berry
Mike Wammer
Mary Murphy
Jules Goldstein
Sherrie Pugh
Mississippi Electors’ Names
The following are the Republican presidential electors.
Ann Hebert
Joe F. Sanderson Jr.
Bradley R. White
J. Kelley Williams
William G. Yates Jr.
Wirt A. Yerger, Jr.
Missouri Electors’ Names
The following are the Republican presidential electors.
Tim Dreste (an “anti-abortion radical” according to Politico)
Jan DeWeese
Hector Maldonado
Sherry Kuttenkuler
Casey Crawford
Tom Brown
Cherry Warren
Scott Clark
Al Rotskoff
Susie Johnson
Montana Electors’ Names
The following are the Republican presidential electors.
Thelma Baker
Nancy Ballance
Dennis Scranton
Nebraska Electors’ Names
The following are the Republican presidential electors.
Phil Berlin
John Dinkel
Chuck Conrad
Craig Safranek
Paul Burger
Nevada Electors’ Names
The following are the Democrat presidential electors.
Dayananda Prabhu Rachakonda
Larry Jackson
Joetta Brown
Paul Catha II (A Bernie Sanders supporter)
Greg Gardella
Teresa Benitez-Thompson
New Hampshire Electors’ Names
The following are the Democrat presidential electors.
Bev Hollingworth
Terie Norelli
Carol Shea Porter
Dudley Dudley
New Jersey Electors’ Names
The following are the Democrat presidential electors.
Alaa R. Abdelaziz of Paterson
Tahsina Ahmed of Haledon
Anthony Cureton of Englewood
Lizette Delgado-Polanco of Ewing
Edward Farmer of Piscataway
Christopher D. James of East Orange
Leroy J. Jones Jr. of East Orange
Retha R. Onitiri of Clarksburg
Marlene Prieto of Secaucus
Ronald G. Rios of Carteret
Hetty M. Rosenstein of South Orange
Kelly Steward Maer of Manasquan
Mary Ann Wardlow of Lawnside
Heriberta Loretta Winters of Williamstown
New Mexico Electors’ Names
The following are the Democrat presidential electors.
Lorraine Spradling
Edward Torres
Noyola Archibeque
John Padilla
Roxanne Allen
New York Electors’ Names
The following are the Democrat presidential electors.
William J. Clinton
Andrew M. Cuomo (Governor of New York since 2011)
Kathy C. Hochul (Lieutenant Governor of New York)
Thomas P. DiNapoli (54th Comptroller of New York)
Eric T. Schneiderman (New York Attorney General)
Carl E. Heastie (Speaker of the New York State Assembly)
Andrea Stewart-Cousins
Bill de Blasio (Mayor of New York City)
Letitia A. James (New York City Public Advocate)
Scott M. Stringer (New York City Comptroller)
Melissa Mark-Viverito
Byron W. Brown (Mayor of Buffalo, New York)
Christine C. Quinn (former Speaker of the New York City Council)
Basil A. Smikle, Jr.
Melissa Sklarz
Mario F. Cilento
Rhonda Weingarten
George K. Gresham
Daniel F. Donohue
Stuart H. Appelbaum
Gary S. LaBarbera
Lovely A. Warren (Mayor of Rochester, New York)
Stephanie A. Miner (Mayor of Syracuse, New York)
Katherine M. Sheehan (Mayor of Albany, New York)
Anastasia M. Somoza
Sandra Ung
Ruben Diaz, Jr. (President of the Borough of the Bronx in New York City)
Hazel L. Ingram (93-years-old)
Rachel D. Gold
North Carolina Electors’ Names
The following are the Republican presidential electors.
Linda Harper
Charles Staley
Karen Kozel
Martha Jenkins
Celeste Stanley
Donald Webb
Robert Muller
Jennifer Dunbar
Andrea Arterburn
Glenn Pinckney Sr.
Mark Delk
David Speight
Ann Sullivan
Lee Green
David Smuski
North Dakota Electors’ Names
The following are the Republican presidential electors.
Duane Mutch
John Olson
Ronald Carlisle
Ohio Electors’ Names
The following are the Republican presidential electors.
Marilyn Ashcraft (Secretary of the Ohio Republican Party)
Curt Braden (member of the Stark County Board of Elections)
Rep. Christina Hagan (R-Alliance)
Lee-Ann Johnson (wife of U.S. Rep. Bill Johnson)
Ralph King (Cleveland-area Tea Party activist)
Alex Triantafilou (Hamilton County GOP Chair)
Mary Anne Christie
Corey Schottenstein
Jim Dicke II
Cheryl Blakely
Richard Jones
Tom Coyne
Judy Westbrock
Leonard Hubert (Civil rights advocate supporting Trump; head of Ohio’s Civil Rights Commission)
Tracey Winbush
James Wert
Brian Schottenstein
Ed Crawford
Oklahoma Electors’ Names
The following are the Republican presidential electors.
David Oldham
Teresa Lyn Turner
Mark Thomas
Bobby Cleveland
Lauree Elizabeth Marshall
Charles W. Potts
George W. Wiland, Jr.
Oregon Electors’ Names
The following are the Democrat presidential electors.
Frank James Dixon of Portland
Karen A. Packer of Newberg
Austin Folnagy of Klamath Falls
Leon H. Coleman of Aloha
Harry W. “Sam” Sappington III of Albany
Timothy Norman Powers Rowan of Portland
Laura Gillpatrick of Eugene
Pennsylvania Electors’ Names
The following are the Republican presidential electors.
Robert Asher
Mary Barket
Robert Bozzuto
Theodore (Ted) Christian
Michael Downing
Margaret Ferraro
Robert Gleason
Christopher Gleason
Joyce Haas
*Ash Khare
James McErlane
*Elstina Pickett
Patricia Poprik
Andrew Reilly
Carol Sides
Glora “Lee” Snover
Richard Stewart
Lawrence Tabas
Christine Toretti
Carolyn “Bunny” Welsh
Rhode Island Electors’ Names
The following are the Democrat presidential electors.
Clay Pell
Grace Diaz
L. Susan Weiner
Frank J. Montanaro
South Carolina Electors’ Names
The following are the Republican presidential electors.
Glenn McCall
Matt Moore
Terry Hardesty
Jim Ulmer
Brenda Bedenbaugh
Bill Conley
Shery Smith
Moye Graham
Jerry Rovner
South Dakota Electors’ Names
The following are the Republican presidential electors.
Marty Jackley (Attorney General of South Dakota)
Dennis Daugaard (32nd Governor of South Dakota since 2011, listed as a Trump skeptic by Politico)
Matt Michels (Lieutenant Governor of South Dakota)
Tennessee Electors’ Names
The following are the Republican presidential electors.
Beth Scott Clayton Amos (State Executive Committee member for the Republican party)
Joey Jacobs of Brentwood (Pres & CEO of Acadia Healthcare)
Jason Mumpower (Bristol)
Susan Mills (Maryville)
Liz Holiway (Harriman)
Lynne Davis (Lascassas)
Tom Lawless (Nashville)
Mike Callahan (Monterey)
Pat Allen (Clarksville)
Shannon Haynes (Alamo)
Drew Daniel (Memphis)
Texas Electors’ Names
The following are the Republican presidential electors.
In Texas, one elector has already spoken out. Voter Hannah Moskowitz write elector John E. Harper and sought to get him to change his vote from Trump to Clinton. Harper worte Moskowitz back and referred to Clinton as a despicable person and threatened legal action against Hannah. (See more about the letter in Heavy’s story here.)
Marty Rhymes (Suspicious of Trump, but believes the Clintons are tied to numerous deaths)
Thomas Moon
Carol Sewell
John Harper (Chastised a person who suggested he should vote for Clinton instead)
Sherrill Lenz
Nicholas Ciggelakis
Will Hickman
Landon Estay
Rex Lamb
Rosemary Edwards
Matt Stringer
Shellie Surles
Melissa Kalka
Sandra Cararas
David Thackston
Robert Bruce
Margie Forster
Scott Mann
Marian K. Stanko
Tina Gibson
Ken Muenzter
Alexander Kim (Received a letter from a concerned voter and said he would vote for Trump. “I have no desire for her to become President.”)
Virginia Abel
Curtis Nelson
Kenneth Clark
Candace Noble
Fred Farias
John Dillard
Tom Knight
Marian Knowlton
Rex Teter
Stephen (Chris) Suprun Jr. (Said he’d have trouble supporting Trump, but later denied he said that, according to Politico)
Jon Jewett
Susan Fischer
Lauren (Loren?) Byers – (Once called Trump a “loose cannon” but told Politico would still vote for Trump in the Electoral College)
William Greene
Mary Lou Erben
Arthur Sisneros (Member of the “liberty movement,” he was recruited to cast his vote against Trump. But now he’s changed his mind)
Utah Electors’ Names
The following are the Republican presidential electors.
Cherilyn Eagar (Host of “The Liberty Lineup” on talk radio who believes in empowering electors to remove an oligarchy)
Kris Kimball
Jeremy Jenkins
Peter Greathouse (a Trump skeptic)
Chia-Chi Teng
Richard Snelgrove
Vermont Electors’ Names
The following are the Democrat presidential electors.
Peter Shumlin
Martha Allen
Tim Jerman (Bernie Sanders supporter)
Virginia Electors’ Names
The following are the Democrat presidential electors.
Bethany J. Rowland of Chesapeake
Debra Stevens Fitzgearld of Harrisonburg
James Harold Allen Boyd of Culpeper
Jasper L. Hendricks, III of Pamplin
Jeanette C. Sarver of Dublin
K. James O’Connor, Jr. of Manassas
Kathy Stewart Shupe of Sterling
Keith A. Scarborough of Woodbridge
Lashrecse D. Aird of Petersburg
Susan Johnson Rowland of Chesapeake
Terry C. Frye of Bristol
Virginia L. Peters of Alexandria
Vivian J. Paige of Norfolk
Washington Electors’ Names
The following are the Democrat presidential electors. At least two electors have publicly said that they may be faithless electors and not vote for Clinton.
Elizabeth Caldwell
Dan Carpita
Peter Chiafalo (He previously said he wasn’t sure if he would vote for Clinton, but might be a “conscientious elector” and ignore his state’s popular vote.)
Levi Guerra
Eric Herde
Joshua Ivey
Esther John
Julie Johnson
Varisha Khan
Chris Porter
Robert Satiacum, Jr. (A member of the Puyallup Tribe, he has said he will not vote for Clinton because he believes she is a “criminal who doesn’t care enough about American Indians.” He doesn’t like Trump either.)
Phillip Tyler
West Virginia Electors’ Names
The following are the Republican presidential electors.
Ron Foster
Patrick Morrisey (Attorney General of West Virginia)
Ann Urling
Mac Warner
Waiting on name of 5th elector
Wisconsin Electors’ Names
The following are the Republican presidential electors.
Kim Travis of Williams Bay
Kim Babler of Madison
Brian Westrate of Fall Creek
Brad Courtney of Whitefish Bay
Kathy Kiernan of Richfield
Dan Feyen of Fond du Lac
Jim Miller of Hayward
Bill Berglund of Sturgeon Bay
Steve King of Janesville
Mary Buestrin of River Hills
Wyoming Electors’ Names
The following are the Republican presidential electors.
Bonnie Foster
Teresa Richards
Karl Allred
Editorial Note: If Trump is inaugurated, at least you will know who did it and why. And also, for the “white jesus” in you … most of Trumps’s hand-picked kingdom subjects are atheists, and so is he. You get what you vote for. Third, your DAMNED VOTE DOES COUNT, according to the Electoral College itself, so if you are amongst the 46.7 eligible REGISTERED voters who did not vote at all, not even in the PRELIMINARIES, you helped elect Trump.