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EBT Disaster!!! Or Lucky Break? Fraud Or Honest Mistake? Wal-Mart Woes In Louisiana | Urban Intellectuals

EBT Disaster!!! Or Lucky Break? Fraud Or Honest Mistake? Wal-Mart Woes In Louisiana

by | Oct 15, 2013 | Blog | 0 comments

Hello Everyone. Welcome to another Leonisim in the UI blogging world. Our brothers and sisters made quite the spectacle of themselves in the state of Louisiana earlier this week when the government shutdown caused a miss reading of EBT cards throughout the state. Hundreds of people gathered together and in true mob-like fashion, tried to get all that they could due to this obvious mistake. There were people with baskets upon baskets of groceries.

EBT fiascoClothing, food, and anything that was covered by the EBT card was cleared out. Finally after hundreds of thousands of dollars in product had been charged, the Wal-Mart had to call the police due to the obvious mistake. After police were called there were countless baskets filled to the brim that has been left behind by busted EBT users. The glitch allowed shoppers to buy s much as they wanted without limit. It did not matter the amount that was on the card. Due to the government shutdown, it was limitless. One woman who had reportedly only 47 cents on her card walked out of the store with over $1,600 worth of food and other products. A call for prosecution of all who use their EBT cars that day has been issued.

However they actually have people who are advocating for their release from all liability. This to me and I know a lot of you is ridiculous. I cannot believe that our people have this much lack of self awareness, and lack of personal responsibility that they would expect to be not help responsible for THEFT. I’m sorry but that is what has happened here. Again I will say a THEFT has occurred, and no one wants to be responsible. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying “Poor faceless corporation”, but I am saying that if I were to go into any business under false pretenses and obtained merchandise then I should be prosecuted, point blank period. Have we abandoned our self worth and self respect to the point of behaving as if we were toddlers ho justify or wrong doing by blaming others and crying foul only because we were called out or busted? There are many questions to this strange occurrence but only one answer… Yes.

We have become a race of people who accept no responsibility for our own actions. It almost seems as if we have to learn to proverbially “Not touch the stove because it’s hot” all over again. My grandfather was a man of the country, with country values and dignity. He once said to me… “You either don’t know… Or you don’t care about something. It’s up to you as to which side you lean towards.” I feel that he was right. Those people chose to break the law… They chose to get something that they did not earn or deserve by way of a glitch… And they chose to ignore the parameters they had been given for their own gain. I say that they all should be fined and banned from the EBT program.

It sounds harsh I know. However if you had someone break into your home and steal your life’s worth, you would want a full prosecution of the crime. If I were to say “Oh let them have it. You will be okay. Besides… They needed it more that you anyway.” You’d probably want my head on a platter. If these were white kids and the same happened, we would say it was bad parenting for allowing them to feel so entitled as to accept responsibility for their actions.  So what do you think UI? Should we keep enabling our own people into believing that nothing is their fault because of the way we were treated years ago? Or will we take responsibility for our actions and be taken seriously by the people who call us “Children”?

I have posted a link to video of the Wal-Mart mob below. Tell me… Have they gone too far? Or are they justified in theft simple because of their heritage? Okay people… Go.

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