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Dumb Law: $500 Fines for Wearing Hoodies Proposed by Oklahoma Senator Spark Backlash | Urban Intellectuals

Dumb Law: $500 Fines for Wearing Hoodies Proposed by Oklahoma Senator Spark Backlash

by | Jan 6, 2015 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

In the latest waste of tax payer time, Oklahoma Senator Don Barrington, a republican, proposed a new amendment to a current law on the books for the state. His amendment would ban people from wearing any form of clothing that conceals their faces in public. This includes hooded sweat shirts.

The state already has a law that prohibits anyone from wearing a “mask, hood, or covering that hides the identity of the wearer during the commission of a crime or for the purpose of coercion, intimidation, or harassment,” according to Senate Bill 13.

Trayvon-Martin1The Senator’s amendment would take things to the next level to further restrict the clothing options of the people in the State. It would make it illegal “to intentionally conceal his or her identity in a public place by means of a robe, mask, or other disguise,” which many people find unnecessary.

Barrington isn’t backing down to logic, he doubled down with it is “immediately necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety” and that “an emergency is hereby declared to exist.”

Barrington isn’t backing down to logic, he doubled down with it is “immediately necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety” and that “an emergency is hereby declared to exist.”

The fortunate thing about this new amendment to the law on the books is there are people in the state and legislator not going for it. This seems like another way to harrass a group of people for doing nothing wrong in the first place. And there is already a law that says you are not to cover your face when doing a crime. If a crime isn’t being committed, that is the persons business if they want to be seen or not.

The question of wearing hoodies in public was made famous with the killing of young, unarmed Trayvon Martin in Florida by George Zimmerman. Exactly how the hoodie became the symbol of this maniacs murderous intentions is beyond me, but there are obviously people in the country, like Senator Don Barrington, who feel like the symbol of this victim is the problem.

We will keep you posted on this story as it unfolds.

Source: NewsOne

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