Uhm. Not.
Did not happen. The dump was over the “usual” spoon-and-fork pork feedings: Money.
RawStory reported that DISH said FOX is trying to rearrange their pre-packaged contract in order to induce DISH to pay more fees that are not “as per the contract” given.
RS says “On both FOX Facebook accounts, they posted: #Attention DISH Customers: DISH has blocked Fox News Channel and Fox Business Network. Despite the undeniable demand, you can no longer watch The O’Reilly Factor, The Kelly File, Hannity or Fox & Friends. Don’t let DISH control the news you watch! Make the switch to another TV provider NOW. www.KeepFoxNews.com.”
These folks have some SERIOUS control issues that are off the charts, and the sad part of it all?
It’s juvenile and immature, just like the folkses who are running it.
This is a country that keeps giving these whiny brats legal access to that wide open portal in their minds that says “Puhlease Keep Dumbing Me Down! There is nothing I love better than bigoted prejudicial racist biased non-factual news and information reporting.”
It wasn’t that long ago that we had an “infiltration influx” of apparent FOX-watchers who decided that on top of being fed this garden variety hog poop from FOX, that they could also control the way that the Black news media has to tell the other side of the stories in Black America in order to get the other side of a lopsided equation balanced out.
But don’t tell your side of the story, Black folks, it doesn’t feel good to them. There is something thoroughly unbalanced about telling the OTHER side of the story that they somehow seem to forget to report on.
You should know by now that all we have to live and breathe for in this world is making sure white folks feelings and sensitives are appeased and not sent rocking and reeling into an arena that says THE WHOLE GOT-DAMNED WORLD DOESN’T REVOLVE AROUND THEIR ARSSES and the moon doesn’t refuse to give off light because they don’t feel like seeing it and the danged sun doesn’t decide not to rise and shine just because they don’t feel like WAKING THE HELL UP.
Now…that said — as to DISH and FOX’s latest highly histrionic drama-mongering public argument over fees?
Anybody who is still subscribed to DISH when this issue resolves, and it eventually will resolve (the Little Media Girls are Just Playing Around in their Sandbox for now…), let this serve as a lesson to you about how much of your time and money is wasted on these pink-pantied lace-slipped corporate “news” entities.