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Did You Know This Black Tech Entrepreneur’s Facial Recognition Business Acquired an Emotion Analysis Company? | Urban Intellectuals

Did You Know This Black Tech Entrepreneur’s Facial Recognition Business Acquired an Emotion Analysis Company?

by | Sep 23, 2015 | Business, News | 0 comments

Word on the street is black folks are not in the tech space, but fortunately no one told Brian Brackeen about this “reality” back in 2012 when he started his company.

His business is in the bleeding edge space of facial recognition, but recently expanded their offering in order to analyse emotions.

Brian Brackeen is the CEO of Miami based software company Kairos and made a bold move in April of 2015 by acquiring emotion analysis company IMRSV for $2.7 million. The acquisition will be added to the black tech entrepreneurs thriving company.

brian brackeenIn an interview with Forbes, Brackeen expounded on the purchase.

“The impetus for emotional analysis,” Kairos CEO Brian Brackeen told me. “Came from our customers. One of them, for example, was a bank that was using our facial recognition as a means of authentication.

They came back later and said that there were scenarios when access might be desired by the right person, with the right code, but we don’t want them to have it. Like if they’re anxious, maybe that’s because it’s the day they’re going to rob the bank.”

Apparently the acquisition of emotional based company gives Kairos, along with with their advancements, new APIs and SDK for facial recognition, emotional analysis and crowd analytics. All this tech jargon means they will be able to develop new software and upgrades faster. In the world of technology, faster is always better.

Speaking to the Miami Herald, he continued by saying “The acquisition of IMRSV positions Kairos to take a leadership role in the rapidly growing facial biometrics sector. It also helps us, as a developer centric company, achieve our goal of delivering enterprise quality tools to developers and making facial biometrics and emotion analysis accessible to all.”

I know it sounds like some Minority Report in real life, but it is outstanding to see black entrepreneurs in this space. And Kairos, led by their passionate CEO, isn’t done by a long shot!

Share this story and allow our future entrepreneurs and tech geniuses be inspired by the hard work, dedication and success of Brian Brackeen. Visit Kairos website here for more information.


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