The Freudian Slip is an error in speech is interpreted as occurring due to the interference of an unconscious (“dynamically repressed”) subdued wish, conflict, or train of thought guided by the ego and the rules of correct behavior, according to Wikipedia.
We know it as allowing the truth to slip out of our regular, everyday speech.
This is what appears to may have happened when Rev. Billy Kyles spoke some 30 years after the assassination of Dr. King. He was there that faithful day on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tenn.
In fact, he was standing right next to Dr. King when it happened. But instead of telling you all about it, we will allow him to explain what happened that fateful day.
You decide if this was just a a slip of the tongue, or an admission of guilt.
Yes he admitted he moved out the way when the shot was being fired. So he knew he was going to be shot at.
No I don’t think black people history is important anymore,nor black people for that matter. The psychological effects of slavery and the incompetent.leafership in the various communities have returned our pple to another variant of slavery,we were broke and begging upon arrival and broke and begging with this so-called Freedom!!
Don’t b foolish. What do u mean by black history no longer matters. Blacks are the origin of life and everything that is today. Keep that in ur thick skull.
Out of his own mouth he spoke his truth. Between Kyle and Jesse Jackson, MLK didn’t stand a chance. Yes, word on the street was that Jesse was part of the conspiracy to have King eliminated also. The face of Judas appears in many plots through out our history.
Racism is a lucrative business, just as the poverty pimps Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.
And like the corporate ghetto-American corporate welfare prostitute Trump.