Delta Airlines Silences Employees Following Fatal Shootings Of Philando Castile & Alton Sterling | Is It Boycott Time?

by | Jul 9, 2016 | Politics News | 0 comments

It’s been a very tough week for America with the tragic killings of Black Americans by police officers. In workplaces around the country, employees have taken to company social media pages to express their sorrow just as they’ve done following recent terrorist attacks in Paris, Brussels and at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando.

At Delta, flight attendants were blindsided today when their posts expressing grief, shock and distress over the latest police shootings in Falcon Heights, Minnesota (near Delta’s Minneapolis/St. Paul hub) and Baton Rouge, Louisiana, were removed from Facebook by Delta. For some reason, Delta has taken a dismissive position when it comes to the needless killings of Black Americans and the pain it is causing so many of its employees.

Following the removal of the posts, Allison Ausband, Senior Vice President Inflight Service, not only had posts removed but issued the following statement:


So let’s see if we have this right. Are these Delta’s Facebook guidelines?:

Support of LGTB — OK
Sadness over terrorist attacks — OK
Grief over fatal shootings — INAPPROPRIATE — Why? Is it because they’re black?

The truth is that a black Delta flight attendant driving to the airport to work a flight would have good reason to be concerned! They do not deserve to be shushed.

The comments from employees have been flooding Delta’s pages expressing confusion and outrage over Delta’s decision to silence employees regarding this highly important national issue that affects the “Delta Family”.

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