This is dedicated to the sistahs living in “fight mode” on a near-daily basis. Yeah, you know the ones.
They look at you and call you “ignorant,” and you just think you’re being diligent — holding it in the road when someone else is trying to take your wheel.
But they never understand how a damaged soul who is in stark denial got to the place where she feels like every instance of her life is going to be a take-down or “be took down.” Kill or be killed.
This is for the ones who don’t go voluntarily into hidden places with married men, or any other man for that matter, for “drinks and a few laughs” and come out screaming rape; but the ones who get taken by surprise on the back end…
sometimes even in the company of people you thought were your friends, or family members you thought you could trust.
This is for the ones who live in DV Shelters who don’t have 20 million outs and more than 1,000 rich friends who are millionaires and a couple of billionaires who know your famous mama and daddy, that you might have gone running to for help when a man is abusing you. For the ones who have no out, ZERO … and no friends and/or family to turn to and are without or damned near without a damned dime to your name — for the ones who get blamed for something someone else did, and yet you feel like you MIGHT have done something wrong when you know damned well you didn’t.
This is for the ones who live in a “warrior mentality” day in and day out because of ill and debased treatment throughout life, who come out fighting, and don’t want to hear shyt nobody got to say when it’s time to get down and dirty in the streets.
Believe it or not, everybody you meet is not an enemy or a ‘potential’ enemy, no matter how much you’d like them to be.
This is for the sistahs who go to jail and prison for petty offenses that white women get slapped on the hand and sent home for. You are known as the “angry black women who is being insubordinate” and she is the “upset white woman who is just being defensive.”
This is for the ones who think “this is the way it is and it’s going to be this way for the rest of my life.” You take a hit and come up smiling because you think you got over, but you didn’t.
This is for the ones who don’t have a strong brotha to step to you and say “I’m sorry someone hurt you, sistah, but you are better than this. I believe in YOU, not that privileged anti-social white bitch over there who thinks she owns the world and you, too.”
Your reactive diligence to defend yourself and smart off on people, even without just cause, is duly-noted; but some of the fights you pick or find yourself involved in are a total waste of energy.
If you’re going to get arrested, get “smart arrested” for a reason worth going to jail for…like Bree Newsome.
If you have to fight, fight like Nelson Mandela and go to prison for setting millions of other people free.
If you must “knock a emeffer the eff out,” then make sure that when the cops slap the handcuffs on you and/or taser you or even train their service revolvers on you, that you give them a damned good reason to do it; like a Martin Luther King Jr. or Rosa Parks or an Assata Shakur, and like-a Malcolm X, Marcus Garvey, and even Louis Farrakhan, something like that there, and not for a dumb sorry sad@ss nonsense reason that means nothing to anyone but you and some other jack@ss duking it out in the streets over NOTHING WORTH IT.
We could all use some Black female ‘warrior mentalities’ out here on the battlefield – taking one for the Home Team for all the right reasons, instead of the wrong ones:
For a change we can all believe in.