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While Daddy Trump Gave His ‘Buy American’ Speech Ivanka Imported 53 Tons Of Chinese Goods! | Urban Intellectuals

While Daddy Trump Gave His ‘Buy American’ Speech Ivanka Imported 53 Tons Of Chinese Goods!

by | Mar 16, 2017 | Celebrities, News, Politics News | 0 comments

Hypocrisy, I guess that’s about the best way to describe not only this story but just about everything about the Trump administration.

During Trumps inauguration speech he patriotically said that by following “two simple rules: Buy American and hire American” he would make America great again!

But….. we guess that doesn’t apply to his family!

As the Huffington Post reported (src):

More than 53.5 metric tons of Ivanka Trump-branded shoes, bags, and clothes were sailing to American ports in eight shipments “even as he spoke,” according to customs receipts obtained by French news organization Agence France-Presse.

President Trump promised to bring more factory jobs to this country and accused China of stealing manufacturing work. But at least one shipment per business day of Ivanka Trump’s shoes and other offerings continues to be sent from China, according to the AFP investigation, and the Global Times reported last month that a Chinese factory has already received an order for 10,000 Ivanka Trump shoes for next season.

In fact, “almost all of her goods are made overseas,” according to the New York Times. The paper reported back in Dec. 2016 that the brand outsources internationally to avoid “costly and impractical” factors involved with manufacturing in the United States. Ivanka Trump admitted in an interview that she “didn’t have any experience in production and manufacturing,” describing herself as an entrepreneur rather than a fashion designer.

Well…. not much else to say really!

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