Donald Trump pissed D.L. Hughley off with his antic, in a video that went viral D.L. Hughley without reservation ended his video strongly by telling Trump, “F*ck you now and f*ck you forever.”
Trump and his effort to gain the support of the black community is falling on deaf ears. When you cheer your supports on and encourage them to harm black people during rallies, it becomes evident to us where you stand. When you use a people’s faith to prey on them, it becomes apparent where you stand. And before all of this as Hughley stated you were disrespect as to demand the President’s birth certificate as though he was type liar as you are.
D.L. also added:
“Donald Trump takes pictures with black people… You know why you have a comedian, a rapper and a football player out to talk about the concerns of the community? Because that’s the positions you’re used to seeing us in. You’d rather have black people be football players, comedians and rappers than the president. You would rather see us run the ball than run the country.”
He went in on Trump with precision, see for yourself: