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Cuba Offers Free Medical School To Blacks And Latinos | Urban Intellectuals

Cuba Offers Free Medical School To Blacks And Latinos

by | Sep 13, 2013 | News | 9 comments

If your children had an opportunity to get free medical school education, would you allow them to go? YES! You would. However, what if the school was in Cuba?

Did your decision change? Well, maybe it is time to consider such a thing because Cuba has opened it’s doors to black and Latino Americans in under served communities according to Black By Unity and their report.

Cuba Free Medical SchoolCuba’s Latin American School of Medicine (LASM). A few years ago member of the USA Congressional Black Caucus visited Cuba and noted the small amount number of doctor available in Black and poor areas in American. When Rep. Bennie Thompson said his Mississippi district needed doctors, then President Fidel Castro announced scholarships for youth from under-served communities in the U.S.

Mad props to the Congressional Black Caucus for seeking a solution to address the issues in our community with the lack of doctors, professionals and exorbitant medical school cost.


I, for one, am pretty tough on these so call black leadership bodies as they don’t seem to be doing enough to try and advance the human condition of black Americans, but this is an interesting step considering the political nature and US stance on Cuba and Castro.

People interested in this opportunity should look into contacting the Interrelations Foundation for Community Organization (IFCO)/Pastors for Peace organization. There are currently 146 US students in the program at LASM with full scholarships and they seem to be doing very well.

418 W 145 Street
Harlem, NY 10031 
[email protected] 
 (212) 926-5757 

47 students have graduated the program and two are resentdents in USA hospitals currently.

This is proof the programs credentials are being accepted and honored in USA hospitals, which is a critical step.

Who knows what the future will hold from this program, but if you have the political believe that education should be for all and the monitary understanding that US medical schools are pricing many people out of the industry, then Cuba may be an option for you to consider.

Are you up for allowing your children to receive free medical school from Cuba?


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  1. Tamm Hunt

    This is an awesome opportunity and has been available to African Americans and Latinos since the mid or early 90’s. I first became aware when in a conversation with Barbara Justice, MD who sung the praises of the medical school opportunity.

    Perhaps conditions have changed, but I am told that one should be prepared to experience the cold water bath/shower and other sub conditions, although the education is superior…you also must learn to speak Spanish because the English language is not spoken in the classroom. Again, it is possible that those blocks have been improved.

  2. Cristina Bock

    sweet! if my daughter wants to be a doctor in 8 yrs and the opportunity is still available, I know where she is going!

  3. Jamaica Washington

    I would think this was legit if it didn’t contain so many grammar mistakes.

    • Mary Diggs

      It is true. I watched a lecture about Fidel Castro. He does have a Medical University. (tuition free) There are prerequisites though. Do a search about the medical school in Cuba.

  4. Ceonna

    why is there an age limit? I just learned about this opportunity weeks ago but by the time I finish the pre reqs I’ll be turning 26

  5. tom

    To the famely of CBS’s Otis Livingston. If I catch your son near Russian comunity I will break his bones!



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  4. 10 Lessons the U.S. Will Learn From CUBA | CauseHub - […] can even attend school, K-College, by watching education-based programing on government run TV. The cost of medical school? ZERO.…
  5. Cuba Offers Free Medical School for Black & Latino Americans! | Word On Da Street - […] Who knows what the future will hold from this program, but if you have the political believe that education…

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