Cuba Just Dusted Trump Off Real Good

by | Jun 18, 2017 | Opinion | 1 comment

And told the absolute truth … something Trump is thoroughly incapable of doing.

Raul Castro said “We have deep concerns by the respect and the guarantees of the human rights in that country, where there is a large number of cases of murder, brutality and police abuse, particularly against the African Americans; the right to live is violated as a result of deaths by firearms.”

CNN reports that the government of Raul Castro went on to criticize Trump for a whole host of other human rights violations, including “salary inequality between genders, the marginalization of immigrants and refugees from Islamic and other countries, Trump’s proposed wall on the southern border, his decision to pull out of the Paris climate accord, the imprisonment of enemy combatants at Guantanamo Bay, the killing of US and foreign citizens in drone attacks, the preface for and conduct of the wars in Iraq and other Middle Eastern countries, and estimates that the Republican health care bill would cause 23 million people to lose medical insurance.”

Under Trump’s regime, civilian casualties in the war against ISIS have skyrocketed and 3,800 innocent people have died from American bombs since January 2017.

Trump’s regime has also publicly praised Rodrigo Duterte of the Phillippines, whose death squads have slaughtered thousands; Erdogan Recep Tayyip of Turkey, who holds tens of thousands of political prisoners and subjects them to torture and rape in his prisons as he is waging an ethnic cleansing campaign against the Kurds in the southeast; and he has celebrated King Salman of Saudi Arabia, who is orchestrating a blockade of Yemen that is leaving millions starving as he orders the slaughter of thousands with American weapons of mass destruction.

It should come as no surprise that the government of Cuba was quick to point out this ridiculous double standard, stating that the United States is in “no condition to lecture” them about human rights.

And American citizens ought to have at least 100 more atrocities to add to that, including Trump’s criminal enterprises, dictatorial leanings, his complete disrespect for government protocol and the American Constitution, dereliction of duty, obstruction of justice, treason against the citizens of the United States of America, libel and slander against a former President of the United States, his history as a white supremacist, abuse of office, and for not upholding the duties of the office to which he was sworn.

Trump is also costing this nation jobs by the boatload and taking credit for things he had nothing to do with, while pushing off the very things that he is absolutely guilty of and for which he is now under criminal investigation himself.

Raul Castro is 100% correct.


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1 Comment

  1. Claudia SmarttHughes

    Honestly, I don’t know why this Orangutan is still sitting in the White House, I think that the whole damn house should be emptied, and make history, by having a re-election, because the vice-shithead isn’t any better!. How is it that other political heads from other countries can see his crap, but, his behavior here in the US is over looked?


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