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Congress Plans To Cancel Obama’s Government Pension | Urban Intellectuals

Congress Plans To Cancel Obama’s Government Pension

by | May 9, 2017 | Politics News | 2 comments

This is a complicated one! On the first look I am SURE it’s a direct attack against Obama. While the sitting president literally is pushing his own business interest in the White House an ex president is earning cash but they also want to swipe his pension away…. Is that fair? Read on and let us know your thoughts.

The UK’s Daily Mail reported:

Former presidents currently receive $207,800 per year, the same amount cabinet secretaries are paid.

But lawmakers are considering a move to shrink that payment – dollar for dollar – for Oval Office retirees who collect more than $400,000 in income.

Last year Obama vetoed a bill that did just that.

‘The Obama hypocrisy on this issue is revealing,’ Utah Republican Rep. Jason Chaffetz told USA Today. ‘His veto was very self-serving.’

Chaffetz and Iowa Republican Sen. Joni Ernst plan to reintroduce the legislation soon.

The ranking Democrat on the House Oversight committee, Elijah Cummings, likely won’t stand in their way.
‘Cummings definitely supports the concept, and if we can work out the technical issues with the bill that arose late in the last Congress, we expect he would strongly support it again,’ his spokeswoman Jennifer Hoffman Werner said.

President Donald Trump has said he will not accept a salary during his time in office. It’s unclear whether he could collect a pension after his tenure comes to an end.

Obama is collecting $400,000 per speech. And he and former first lady Michelle Obama have reportedly signed a two-book publishing contract worth $65 million.

So, what do you think?

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  1. Monica

    That’s just upset about it being a black man was one of the best presidents ever.

  2. Benney R Peoples

    I agree they shouldn’t mess with his pension, if that’s the case it better start with 45, better not taking away from who already earned his pension. He isn’t the only former president that makes money from speeches after leaving office.


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