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Confirmed: Loretta Lynch Is The First Black Female U.S. Attorney General | Urban Intellectuals

Confirmed: Loretta Lynch Is The First Black Female U.S. Attorney General

by | Apr 23, 2015 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

Loretta E. Lynch, age 55, can finally exhale and get ready for her job as the 83rd U.S. Attorney General of the United States. She is the first black women to take this office.

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Lynch was confirmed Thursday after a lengthy political struggle that lasted months.

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Many say it had nothing to do with Lynch herself, but pure Washington politics. Others believe it was because Lynch was a black woman.

The Senate vote was 56 to 43. There were 10 republicans that voted for Lynch’s confirmation.

loretta-lynchAfter months of waiting for the confirmation, President Obama said last week the delay was “embarrassing”. Many have spoken out against the Republicans inaction to confirm Lynch after they had agreed she was the right choice after Eric Holder.

Her confirmation took longer than that for all but two other nominees for the office: Edwin Meese III, who was nominated by President Ronald Reagan, and A. Mitchell Palmer, who was picked by President Woodrow Wilson, according to the Congressional Research Service.

Republicans have found themselves in a quandary for months. They longed to replace Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr., and they agreed that Ms. Lynch was qualified for the job. But they opposed her because Ms. Lynch defended President Obama’s executive actions on immigration.

What’s more, Senator Mitch McConnell, Republican of Kentucky and majority leader, had held up the nomination until the Senate voted on a human trafficking bill, a process that dragged on for weeks. The measure passed on Wednesday by a vote of 99 to 0.

Reports The New York Times:

Congratulations, Loretta Lynch!

SOUND OFF: What do you think of Lynch’s confirmation?

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How do you feel about tracking “the first black” and showing pride in these moments?

Source: NewsOne

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