A Condoleezza Rice Independent Campaign Could Be The Only Resistance To Trump!

by | Mar 13, 2016 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is being persuaded to go up against Trump if he wins the nomination by a group of Republican donors and strategists as they feel this could be the only way to beat him!

An African American woman candidate with her credentials would certainly create some potential competition!

A memo outlining the plan was obtained by POLITICO Florida and parts of it read “The reality of the matter is that we will have President Trump or President Clinton — if we don’t have President Rice,”


“This has grown more urgent and more important, we believe, as the prospect of a brokered convention is floated,”

Basically trying to persuade Rice to run really could be a last grasp of hope for many dissatisfied by Trump!


Read more here: http://www.capitalnewyork.com/article/florida/2016/03/8593476/gop-donors-pushing-condoleezza-rice-run-independent-campaign

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