We are often engaged in conversations about how the school system is failing our students. It is a subject near and dear to many of our hearts because we understand the children are our future, but also many of us have children and therefore are invested in state of education in this country.
However, many of us are frustrated with how schools operate in this country. And today, we have a high school student pointing out the flaws in his teacher’s classroom, but I believe he is reference the teaching style of many teachers, schools and school districts around the country.
Jeff Bliss is the Texas high school student in the video accusing his teacher of being a packet pusher instead of teaching the class. He is a former high school drop out who came back to school to get his education and is clearly taking things very seriously this time around. He has a unique perspective because he now realizes real teaching and learning is important in his life and he sees the teacher isn’t taking her job and responsibility seriously, gets frustrated and gives her a piece of his mind.
Fortunately, his rant was caught on video. Here is the transcript below:
“If you would just get up and teach them instead of handing them a freaking packet, yo… There’s kids in here that don’t learn like that. They need to learn face to face.
buy bactrim online https://health4painrelief.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/png/bactrim.html no prescription pharmacyI’m telling you what you need to do… You want kids to come into your class, you want them to get excited for this? You gotta come in here, you gotta make them excited. You want a kid to change and start doing better? You gotta touch his freaking heart. You can’t expect a kid to change if all you do is just tell ‘em.”
We feel Jeff makes some great points in his short rant. Teachers, schools, administration, and the State are all guilty of just force feeding information and encouraging our students to memorize and regurgitate the answers on the test and homework.
Critical thinking, passionate teaching and useful information has taken a back seat, it seems, in many classrooms and our children are suffering as a result. We don’t need packet pushers looking to collect a check, we need teachers passionate about educating the next generation.
Duncanville Independent School District did release a statement in response.
“As a district with a motto of engaging hearts and minds, we focus on building positive relationships with students and designing engaging work that is meaningful. We want our students and teachers to be engaged, but the method by which the student expressed his concern could have been handled in a more appropriate way.”
This was a pretty canned response, but we don’t believe every school or teacher are just packet pushers. However, there are far too many than necessary in the system. If your child’s teacher are such poor teachers, then we challenge you to challenge them to do better. If you need to get the Principal or Superintendent involved, don’t be afraid. Your tax dollars pay for these people.
Be your child’s number one advocate in their education. Don’t allow packet pushing teachers, schools, administrations to ruin their education.