Central Park Five’s Korey Wise Donates $190,000 to the University of Colorado Innocence Project

by | Jan 3, 2016 | Positivity | 0 comments

Do you remember “the Central Park Five”, when five juvenile males of color were convicted of raping a female jogger in New York City’s Central Park in 1990? The Central Park Five were exonerated in 2002 when the real rapist turned himself in and DNA from the crime proved his guilt.
Korey Wise, one of the Central Park Five, is making strides to help wrongfully convicted inmates. He gave back in a major way by donating $190,000 to the University of Colorado’s Innocence Project. His generous donation has helped the program tremendously and has been renamed the Korey Wise Innocence Project.

The Korey Wise Innocence Project is a volunteer program led by law students. Mr. Wise has revitalized the program giving them the ability to hire a full-time director and provide funding for investigative work. The donation will also allow them to help more inmates. They currently have about 35 law students investigating 26 cases in the state, with about 200 applications pending.

After a little bit of research Wise made the decision to donate to this program because his donation would be more effective in exonerating the wrongfully accused in this specific chapter. He knows there are men and women in jail that do not deserve to be there and it was important for him to his part to make sure they get justice. Mr. Wise we salute you!

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