Black & True Love Trumps Lust

by | Jan 24, 2017 | Opinion | 0 comments

In an earth-shattering moment of “turnabout is fair play,” the powers that be of the Heavens of the Cosmic Universe have somehow decided to show white imperialist America up for what it truly is.

In the “Hour of the Obamas,” not only did the proverbial chickens come home to roost, but the presidential inauguration of a bona fide iron clad Klansman has managed to show the post-Obama world that ALL Black men do not desert nor abandon nor disrespect their wives, women, homes, families, or their children.

Mrs. Michelle Lavaughn Robinson-Obama, Natasha and Malia Obama, and also Mrs. Marian Robinson, as well as the President’s half-aunt, his maternal and paternal sisters, nieces, and “Granny Sarah,” who is still living in Kenya, and so many of his female friends alike, have known the depths of one Black man’s sincere love and honor and respect. And no one is having a conversation about whether or not the women closest to the President earned it, he is who is he is, no matter what.

BUT, then there are also those ‘other‘ Black men who would jealously like to take that way from us Black women who can only fantasize about it. By far, Barack Obama is not the ONLY Black man who loves and respects and honors and cherishes his Black women, but he is most definitively the one with the highest profile.

Of all the things that have ever been said about “Black love,” in all of the refusal to portray it righteously on white media movies and television, of all of the need on the part of white America and SOME Black men to use the media to pretend that the only thing in a Black woman’s world is a jezebel demeanor, a “baby daddy,” a welfare check, a drug-laden criminal boyfriend, and a mean and bad “sapphiric” Black female attitude, President Obama showed up and showed out when it comes to repping it up for the vast majority of everyday “Jamal Blows” out here who are just like him.

Granted, we got our bad seed just like white folks do; but when the day is done, this moment in time means there will never be another stereotype about Black Love that will stick or hold water in the social and public arenas any more. And though a great deal of us “unloved” Black women will never know the love of our fathers, brothers, uncles, male cousins, or even our lovers, boyfriends, or husbands … many many MORE of us do, and many will — one day.

An apple may not fall far from the tree; but I have also learned by my own four sons -raised in a broken maternal family by a mother who came from a broken maternal family- that an apple also bears its own individual seeds and fruit, even when all that is left of it is the core.

It simply must be a beautiful thing to know that YOU are the First Wife and the First Lady and not the Fourth Wife and Whatever Lady was Married to You at The Time. It makes all the difference in the world to marry a woman you truly love, not just another one on the List that you lusted after who can take a decent photograph from time to time. [Karma is a beatch.]

In need of a miracle in life? Become one.

Black Men don’t need to spend too much time running from the stigma of being who others say they are: BE YOURSELF. You’ll do just fine.


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