Roseland: One of Chicago’s notorious ganglands…or so we’ve been led to believe by NBC News.
Every time something evil happens to Black people in Chicago, it’s at the top of the news ratings on “black on black crime” for the entire United States.
It’s a very false narrative about Chicago and crime rates amongst Black people, sprinkled in with just enough truth about black on black crime to legitimize the false narrative about crime and Black people in general.
Let us explain, because every Black person in America could stand to learn a ‘shovel-em-off-to-Buffalo and heave-ho their asses’ lesson about allowing white-owned corporate control media to continue using the city of Chicago as leverage to prove just how bad “black on black crime is.
” It is extremely dangerous and life-threatening in the way that ‘black on black crime’ can now be used as justification for police brutality against mostly and often only Black people around the nation.
Truth told, recent statistics have shown that there is more black on black crime PER CAPITA in Philadelphia than Chicago, and that the rates of crime in Chicago are actually going down, not up.
No, this is not the time to start a “Chicago versus Philly” false narrative to add to all the other false narratives.
The reason a white-owned corporate mainstream media leverages Chicago in our hearing and to the rest of the nation and the world is not only because President Barack Obama is from there, but so is Rahm Emanuel, Jesse Jackson and Jackson Jr., Jeremiah Wright, the late and honorable Steve Cokely, and Louis Farrakhan (folks whom they typically call racist for calling out racists for what they really are); as well as quite a few other well-known and VERY POLITICALLY POWERFUL Black people — some radical, most of them ‘not so much’.
For years, (since the 1970s and earlier), the Neo Nazi skinheads, the Stormfront organization, and the Ku Klux Klan, as well as other white nationalist gangbanging and terrorist organizations have stated that Chicago is the “Nigger Headquarters of the Nation,” and this is the place from where they expect their much-touted much-desired “race wars” to start. *see Charlie Manson, Helter Skelter* for some details on how the whites in L.A. that he and his gangbanging friends killed was supposed to be blamed on “the niggers” in order to start some kind of apocalyptic race war. They even painted the word “pigs” in the blood of their kill in order to ‘frame some Black people’ who were big on calling the cops “pigs” back in the day.
All of this messy noise about black on black crime is contrived by racist whites in America. It has been for years; decades, even. One would think by listening to them talk that there is no such thing as white on white crime, or that Black on Black crime is worse than white on white crime, even when it all ends in mayhem and violence and murder.
Chicago, often associated with black gangs rather than their ghetto Italian and Irish forefathers, is the White American Capitol of Excuse-Making when it comes to their treatment of Blacks in America.
We should always keep in mind that folk like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton work for white people. They are the white “chosen ones” when it comes to leadership in Black America — and most of us have learned by now that Black America has not had a True Leader since Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated on April 4, 1968.
Black people truly need to understand the history of these racist notions and stop going along with, out of complete and partial ignorance, the white corporate media narrative on Chicago and black on black criminality.
I know people who live there in Chicago, have lived there for years, and have never had a problem with crime. Most of the folks I know don’t go to certain neighborhoods in Chicago, just like most of us do not hang out in the worst neighborhoods in any place in the USA. Or we try not to if we can possibly help it.
True, many Black people live there in the ‘hoods of the nation; but I also noticed in my own personal travailings, that all races and ethnicities of poor people live in low-income “substandard” neighborhoods in states where poor whites and poor other minorities are not segregated by race. In places like Mesa and Phoenix Arizona, majority white and Hispanic populations have “bad areas” they don’t venture into if they can help it either.
One Hispanic woman, I called her “Rosalina,” born and raised in Phoenix told me that Mesa was a horrific place, especially for “us,” meaning she and I, as minority women in a racist state known to many of the Latino and Chicano people as “Aryanzona.” In her own broken Spanglish, the moment I mentioned Mesa, she shook her head vigorously and with black onyx eyes wide open, there was literal horror on her face that I would even think of going to such a place as a Black woman, especially with all of those white race-mongering criminals in the area.
Unfortunately, before meeting Rosalina, I had already learned that one the hard way.
But back to the point at hand, Chicago is not the crime capital of the nation, as they would have us to believe it is.
Right now, Cleveland and Cincinnati, Ohio is, as well as is New Orleans and some other highly black-populated cities like Baltimore, et al … and it is majorly cops committing the most vulgar and heinous crimes.
We would all do well to remember that New York’s crime rates dropped by more than fifty-percent when the cops took a “blue flu” holiday in retaliation against their illustrious mayor for telling the truth about the isht they do.
Does that excuse Black people from killing each other ANYWHERE, Chicago included?
We just need to watch ourselves on following white corporate media’s leads and race-mongering narratives on “black on black” crime, which is worse in other places than in Chicago right now.
We should all know by now that wherever very few Black people are committing crimes, they begin to assault, harass, arrest, and gun down unarmed Black people who aren’t bothering anyone, and then blame THEM for allowing a crime to be committed AGAINST them. They have to make up crimes where there are none, or encourage them by being the mess-starting monkey-poo flingers that they are, or they have to pay Black people to start them up, just so they can have something to do and keep the “Negro crime narrative” in the forefront.
You will notice that every so often, “Chicago crime” just falls back into the news again, especially on slow news days when they don’t have anything else to talk about or anything productive to do with their white-brained genius.
Black folks, control the conversation when it concerns your own Black people.
Do your own homework, do not let corporate owned media handle US like that. All it does is show that we don’t read, don’t do our own studies on our own, and are not paying attention to some of the real problems in the Black communities.
We just tend to pop off and clucking like cut-off head chickens every time a white person opens their mouths spewing bullshit about Black people, and it is as if to say “a white person said it, SO IT MUST BE TRUE.”
It usually isn’t. Believe that.
They ain’t the boss of us.