Black America & the Activities of Daily Living: Behaviors That Eat Away Our Wealth Attainment

by | Jul 18, 2015 | Opinion | 1 comment

Generational Wealth and ADLs (activities of daily living).



We hear a lot of talk about the accumulation of wealth and the gaps and income disparities between Black Americans and their white constituents, who have, in fact, attained a lot of historical “old money” wealth at the hands and off the backs of our Black ancestors.

Very few whites have ever been 100-percent “self”-made, even less so now. Without Black labor, America would never EVER have become the richest nation in the world. Wherever Judah has set her foot, the world around her has been blessed.

So what economic policy choices in government have had the biggest impact on Black people and the accumulation of wealth? Where is the bleed?

*Racist (in)justice systems that drain Black people of wealth over the most petty of crimes, even the crimes that whites typically get a “pass” on.

*Predatory lending and redlining of Black neighborhoods and ZIP CODES.

*Low wage work and the disappearing unions.

*Unfair sentencing for lowball non-violent crimes that are way out of alignment with the ‘thing’ that was done.

*Higher insurance costs and rates.

*Higher interest rates on loans due to marginalization.

*Buy Here. Pay Here. Rental Center ‘anything’ for longer periods of time than 30 days, or less.

*The death of HBCUs and the QUALITY of education we receive.

*Carelessness/lackadaisical attitudes about taking the Pride of Ownership in our own vested businesses and communities by scamming one another because we GOT scammed by white America.

*Parental wealth, which is cyclical and which most Black people are not born into and don’t absorb by osmosis.

*Familial abuse and abandonment.

*Living in a Black mother-hating, Black child-abandoning, and Black family-unfriendly nation, in totality.

*Using Black people for the personal ATM machines of bankers and corporations with usurious interest rates and over-bloated fees for EVERYTHING.

*Higher prices due to higher insurance rates.

*Over-priced cost of living and under-paid working stipulations on jobs that cost more to keep then they are worth.

*Tithing and giving dues and offerings into Black churches that don’t reinvest in and practice the tithe of reciprocity into their members and surrounding communities, so that “he who hath much does not have too much and he who has little does not lack, or want.”


lotsacashNothing in this life comes free, cheap, or easy…not even welfare.

White America had more than 380 years to attain this massive wealth backed up by slave labor. Black people have had barely 60 years to “play” catch up, and it seems that the faster we run, the farther away the rewards of our hard work is removed from our grasp.

And one other thing is for certain above all else, our mass consumerism into white-oriented markets and white-controlled spending is not the least of many other reasons why the gaps continue.

Reparations are due and owing, for certain.

How it should be calculated, divvied up and spent is another story all together, especially since too many Black folks can get a check for a million dollars one day and be dead broke within a week — still hollering about “D. White Mann” and racism when they have sucked all the lolly out of their own pops.

Anyone who gets a righteous compensation out of this slave ship, after proving out their financial and economic connections to slave labor, and then allows “D. White Mann” to slip it out of their wrists rather than pry it out of their cold dead hands needs to spend the rest of their lives dead broke.

BlackspendingpowerNo one needs a prosperity gospel teaching or a tithe to tell them what they should already know: Not only is there the inherent racism in the economic system itself, but also the low-hanging fruit way in which we are stewards of our own industry.


Terry Jackson: Understand that you are not even wanted on the plantation any longer. Think about it. 

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1 Comment

  1. Yolanda

    I agree 100 percent. This is an evil place run by inhumane people


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