Bernie Sanders Kicks Off His Black College Tour At Morehouse, Thousands Of Young People Turn Up!

by | Feb 17, 2016 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

Bernie Sanders kicked off a Rally at the start of a tour that involves many black colleges at the historic Atlanta Morehouse college last night.

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More than 4800 people turned up, many being young, in what seems like a positive start in the fight to increase voter turn out and cement his place as both a man for the youth and the minorities.

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The Rally was kicked off with a passionate speech from Killer Mike and centered on the three major issues he has been really hammering in on.

These issues are corrupt campaign finance regulations, working wages for all American and correcting the social justice system.

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Sanders upholds the belief that this system is tied to institutional racism and needs reform.

Georgia is an important state for the democrat candidates and Sander’s campaign is really working hard to get his face to the people that matter.

You can see the full stream of the rally below:

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